On February 8, 2024, 5:00 central standard time, via Zoom, Dr. Baxter and I held our first virtual conference call. During this meeting, I expressed to Dr. Baxter that I was possibly thinking about narrowing down my study. Dr. Baxter suggested that I only compare Math scores pre and post COVID-19. Dr. Baxter made notes of the questions about whether or not that would
be enough data to for my study. Dr. Baxter made a note to make contact with Dr. Jeffery Gates, my methodologist and to ask the questions of whether or not the data that I obtained from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) of the standardized test scores would be enough. We also discussed whether or not I should focus on one disability. On February 15, 2014, at 7 pm central time, via Zoom, Dr. Baxter and I held a virtual conference call. During this meeting, Dr. Baxter answered the questions discussed in our previous meeting. Dr. Baxter recommended a content expert that would be good for my topic and gave me Dr. Cusanek’s contact information. Dr. Baxter and I discussed my not using the year 2017, but instead using the year 2019 because that was also pre-COVID-19. After meeting with Dr. Baxter, my week’s plans are to update my prospectus making the necessary changes that we discussed. I also plan to contact the suggested content expert and to contact my Student Service Counselor (SSC) with my plan to obtain Dr. Norma Cusanek as my content expert. We discussed incorporating time in my schedule to rest and relax as well as putting in the necessary hours to revising my prospectus.