Small/Large Motor- The visually appealing pictures,noises, and elements of interaction through touch will help and infant’s development drastically. The main emphasis this toy has is the reinforcement of pictures and sounds. Associating pictures with words and sounds help development in infants. ●
Social- Helps child participate in learning activities while playing with others
Sensory- Helps improve hand and eye coordination
Describe what you like about the toy- It helps with learning motor skills Is there anything you do not like about the toy? No How would you use this toy in your classroom?
Yes it's a hand on toy it helps children not only to play but they are also learning at the same time. It helps children that need more one on one help.
How would you instruct parents to use this toy to obtain the best educational value with their child?
Any parent should be very encouraged to buy this toy for their infant. It will provide their child with entertainment while helping them develop perceptually. Each statement mentioned above provides support as to why parents would love for their child to play with this toy. Additional comments:
It's a great way to learn and hands on
Name of toy:
Learning Tunes Karaoke Suggested ages for toy as indicated on the packaging or website description:
Safety features or safety issues: 0
How would this toy develop these skills:
Cognitive (thinking)- Helps with learning skills ●
Small/Large Motor: This toy promotes fine and gross motor skills as well. This toy plays music and this is how it promotes gross motor development as well, a lot of children will dance and jump about when listening to music,these large muscle movements are great for developing gross motor skills. It is also education as it plays songs such as the ABC.
Large muscle movement for developing gross motor skills ●
Sensory: Playing with others and learning at the same time Describe what you like about the toy: It show all the motor skills that helps with the child learning Is there anything you do not like about the toy? No