Abby Roy, Caroline Stein, Emily Will,
Paige Beda, & Emma Hybl
MKT 487-012
Bravo S Executive Summary Report: SUPER5
Our firm, Bravo S (SUPER5), has had positive and steady growth for the first 2 periods of the
MarkStrat simulation. Our market share has steadily increased every period so far. Our SPI, revenues, and
earnings before taxes have also been steadily increasing. We also have the most market share in the
industry. SOLO is the top selling brand in retail sales with 16.2% in value share and SOFT is the top
selling brand by volume with 13.6% in unit share. Therefore we have strong market performance in both
categories. The revenues for our firm are 62.1% contributed by SOLO and 37.9% contributed by SOFT.
We have continued to see a positive revenue growth rate across each period. Compared to our
competitors, from period one to two, our revenue grew the greatest (from $54.4 million to $61.8). Given
our revenue along with the cost of goods sold in period two, we can calculate a gross profit margin of
64.5%. Like revenue, our gross profit margin has shown continually steady growth over the past periods.
Our firms’ overall market, Sonites, is broken down between SOFT and SOLO. SOFT’s target
segments consist of savers and shoppers and SOLO consists of high earners and professionals. We were
able to identify these segments through the percent of market share by consumers, brand awareness, as
well as purchase intentions for each segment. In terms of our consumer segments preferences in terms of
quality, shoppers and savers value design, display, and power whereas our high earners and professionals
value price and features as well as design, display and power. We used these identifications to make
further decisions regarding marketing mix, advertising, and budget allocations. Some trends that are
visible in our market include SOFT and SOLO brands being mainly allocated across mass merchandisers
(40.2%) and specialty stores (43.5%) as well as all units being sold for both in period 2. In relation to our
competitors our SOLO consumer segment is an industry leader for high earners against everyone. The
SOFT market is a close industry leader for savers and their top competition would be MOST, ROCK, and
Our strategy began in Period 1 with identifying the segments we wanted to target for each of our
products, SOFT and SOLO and allocated the marketing budget based on those targets. We then looked at
the shopping habits of these groups and made commercial team decisions based on this info- allocating
more people to locations that the target segment prefers. We finished by buying all the market research
studies, because they would provide us with the most information for Period 2. In period 2, we continued
with our strategy of targeting the specific segments for each brand. The changes that we made in our
decisions reflect an extension of our original strategy, with some exceptions. We dropped profs & high
earners in the SOFT units because they are not the target audience for that brand, and we wanted to focus
on our higher paying, higher volume customers. We did the same thing for SOLO, dropping savers. Our
main strategy change was starting a new research & development project called SALT, with a $125
thousand budget. We did this because we are trying to expand in new segments by giving the products the
highest battery, design, and power- the most desired features by the market.
In our upcoming strategy, we are excited to unveil our Vodite plan, building upon the solid
foundation established by our thriving Sonites projects. Our unwavering commitment remains to align our
advertising budget with the dynamic shifts in segment sizes, ensuring strategic allocation for maximum
impact. Bolstered by our impressive brand awareness rankings across both SOFT and SOLO platforms,
our aim is to elevate average purchase intentions by proactively outpacing competitors, thereby enhancing
our SOFT design and processing power. By consistently gauging consumer brand perception and
embracing their core values, we are poised to tailor our outreach effectively, positioning ourselves as the
preferred choice among discerning buyers.