Juicy Fruit Gum
Juicy Fruit Gum is now in its product life cycle's "maturity" phase. When Wrigley Jr.
introduced Juicy Fruit gum in 1893, it quickly became a best-seller. Unfortunately, they failed to
recognize the importance of teenage consumers until the 2000s. Wrigley's sales had dropped, and
the company was under intense competition. The firm needed a quick boost in sales, so it
reached out to young people interested in chewing gum and asked them to find images that made
them think of the product and write about it. According to the survey, the enjoyable flavor of
Juicy Fruit gum is a significant contributor to its widespread appeal among young customers.
Based on this data, the product has entered the Maturity stage of its life cycle. When using the
four consumer product categories, I would classify Juicy Fruit Gum as a convenience item since
it is a food item readily available at any store selling such items. In addition to supermarkets and
corner shops, you may check hardware stores like Home Depot. Every pharmacy or grocery shop
could sell gum with a fruity flavor and a juicy chew.
Packs of Juicy fruit gum are widely available in supermarkets and warehouse clubs such
as Walmart, Publix, BJ's, and Costco so that consumers can shop with confidence. Customers
know that warehouse clubs like BJ's, Costco, or Sam's Club carry their preferred gum brand and
may stock up on many boxes simultaneously instead of making repeated excursions to the gum
aisle. The designer argues that these features might help you relax and relieve tension
(Blakemore, 2017). Wrigley has been successful because it can put itself in the shoes of its
consumers and provide things that meet their needs and wishes. Nearly three-quarters of young
people surveyed said they chew gum when they have a sweet tooth. This is one of the numerous
reasons teens like chewing Juicy Fruit gum.