marketing partner
One of the ways that MLive Media Group best serves its client partners is by
providing methods for users, followers, friends, or influencers related to our
partner’s business can be identified, named, and understood. At the outset, we
discovered that little real data was available, and that only andecdotal information
existed. Our first effort was to integrate our proven methods, resulting in a reveal of
customer and client data not previously available.
Method Employed:
Integration of Google Analytics to track site visitorship and
online behaviors.
In order to create a strategy that would reach all key
purchase influencers, we needed to closely target an
appropriate audience. There is no perfect solution for
everyone. There is no perfect solution for all companies.
Our work is tailored for each unique need or circum-
stance, and must be redesigned every time.
Methods Employed:
We worked with our client
partner to find companies across the nation, whose
employees or customers they wanted to reach. (These companies represented
entities further down or within their own supply chain, not competing businesses or
We built a digital campaign to serve only to individuals that had been to these
distinct locations. This campaign was message strong and video heavy, delivering
product information that offered greater depth to the understanding of the product
by viewers.
A robust/responsive ad campaign was prepared for attendees at the large trade-
show events previously mentioned. For those attendees that had been in the select
target business environment, the remessages were applied, providing a richer
Analytics help us to fully under-
stand. Is your website able to
drive revenue? Is it successful in
collecting appropriate sales traffic?
Without analytics, changes to any
site are done in the dark, blindly,
without logic and reason driving
the decision-making. It isn’t enough
to simply trust your own feelings.
When engagement, and usability
can be measured and calculated,
and revenue is on the line, it’s best
to know for sure.
of marketers now
use video as part of their
marketing strategy.
of consumers
are more likely to buy
a product after watching
a video about it