Activity 1:
Being that Doritos is already a widely known chip brand, I would focus on one of its
strengths which is the diversity in flavors. These different flavors tend to cater to the audience
in which the chips are being sold, and this helps to attract consumers based on their
individual tastes. Simultaneously, the different flavors give consumers more options which
makes the chips more interesting as they can have a different flavor each time.
With any product, it is also good to always considering entering new markets where you
aren’t already operating. Thus, I would look into expanding into international markets which
would help create brand awareness and increase customers in the long-run.
Charles Schwab:
If I was the manager of Charles Schwab, I would aim to increase awareness of investing and
the steps one can take in investing. This would be focused on the average person who doesn’t
necessarily have a lot of money, but is keen to learn and invest. This would attract more
nouveau investors, thus creating brand-awareness and long-term success.
Simultaneously, as we live in a very modern-world that is highly tech-oriented, I would
ensure that we are providing the most user-friendly and easy to understand online experience
for our users. This ease of access and usage would make the user experience more enjoyable,
and likely to sustain new customers, molding them to be long-term customers.
As a fashion brand, a huge focus of mine would be on the brand’s perception from customers.
In the world we live now, fast fashion is frowned upon. Thus, I would aim to structure our
communications and processes to reflect our sustainable practices and ensurng that our
customers are aware of how their purchases are contributing to our overall sustainability
efforts. This would help appeal to a wider, more knowledgeable group of customers that
value sustainability.
I would also focus on our social media campaign and partnering with social media
influencers. With the growing popularity of social media applications such as Instagram and
Tik Tok, it is imperative that companies such as GAP position themselves to be widely seen
in ads and influential people. This is a channel that is bound to bring forth a lot of revenue for
the company in the long-run.
Activity 2:
For the company, Adobe managed to significantly cut down their costs by
implementing the cloud based programming. They no long have to spend a big budget
on providing physical software updates as it is now done through the cloud. They are
now also able to cut back on shipping costs in the operations department as they no
longer need to send anything physically to the consumer. For the customer, their needs