Pick a decision you made recently that has had important consequences for you. It may be your decision about which college to attend, which major to select, whether to take a part-time job, or which part-time job to take. Using the material in this chapter, analyze how you made the decision:
1.Identify the criteria you used, either consciously or unconsciously, to guide your decision making.
Recently, I had to decide about which college to attend. This decision was a conscious decision, and this helped me guide my decision making because I was paying attention to my thoughts, feelings, and getting clear on my goals. I also considered exploring all my options and committing to making choices that are in alignment with my true self. 2.List the alternatives you considered. Were they all possible alternatives? Did you unconsciously (or consciously) ignore some important alternatives?
The alternatives that I considered were either attending Cal Poly Pomona or going to Cal State Fullerton. Cal Poly Pomona has a great academic program in business administration and the school is known for its hands-on learning as well as practical experience. In addition, the school allows students to apply their knowledge in real-world settings, which can give them a competitive edge in the job market. Furthermore, I saw how beautiful the campus was, featuring stunning architecture and scenic views that provided an excellent environment for learning. On the other hand, I always wanted to go to CSUF because my dad got his education here. My plan was to transfer to CSUF to receive my bachelor's degree once I got my associate degree. In addition, the university has a strong faculty that is dedicated to teaching, research, and community service. I had other possible alternatives because I also got accepted to Cal State San Bernardino and Cal State Long Beach. I unconsciously ignored Cal State Long Beach because the school was too far from where I live. I also unconsciously ignored CSUSB because of the safety concerns and how high the crime rates are in San Bernardino. 3.How much information did you have about each alternative? Were you making the
decision on the basis of complete or incomplete information?
I had a lot of information about Cal Poly Pomona and Cal State Fullerton. Both universities had affordable tuition and I would receive the same amount of financial aid for both schools. Both universities have an extensive network of corporate partners that offer valuable internship and job opportunities. Both universities offer various scholarships and grant options to help alleviate the financial burden for students.
Therefore, I was making the decision based on complete information for both universities.