1. How are you feeling about your MLQ results overall?
I am feeling very content. I am happy to see where my strong suits are and also areas where I need to improve on. I believe that
2. Did you have gaps within the MLQ - for instance, did you overrate yourself or underrate
yourself in certain categories?
I underrated myself in the Builds Trusts category within my MLQ. I rated myself a 2.8 and my peers rated me a 3.6. I also overrated myself in the Encourages Innovative Thinking as I rated myself a 3.8 and my peers rated myself a 3.1.
3. Did one group of raters (peers, subordinates, supervisors) rate you significantly differently from other groups, and why do think that may have been?
4. What are your overall takeaways from your MLQ results?
I appreciate this survey because it helps bring my leadership style to light. I love to lead and encourage others to empower themselves, which I think stems from being such an empathetic person. Reading the open-ended feedback was really insightful and made me a little bit emotional. The open-ended feedback really brought a different perspective on how I chose to lead others in the future. The open-ended feedback that I received was that I was an overachiever
and a perfectionist. I need to learn to be more patient with others and know that perfection is not a real thing. Sometimes it's not just about my way of doing things and I need to be more accepting of someone's else's work. I am slowly teaching myself the process of unperfectionism
is also great progress and great work. Other open-ended feedback that I received was being someone that always has higher standards is great but that I also need to appreciate all the amazing things that I have already done. This really resonated with me because I know that I am someone that doesn't necessarily live in the moment or celebrate the small wins. As soon as I accomplish a task or a major milestone in life, I am always looking for the next best thing that I can accomplish. This is great feedback because I do not want to create an environment within my
team that sets unrealistic/unachievable goals for everyone, because goals are subjective for everyone, and also an environment that doesn't celebrate/recognize small wins. I know this feedback makes it seem that I am all work but I know that everyone sees just how much I care about others and their success. I may care a little too much and have a little too much empathy, that I get heavily involved. So, I need to have more of a balance in relationships that I establish. Another major open-ended feedback that I received was my imposter syndrome and my confidence, which is another trait that I am working on internally.
With this feedback from the MLQ, I would be able to refine my leadership approach when I become a leader in the future.
5. What connections do you see between your results and what we've been learning in class?