be to pick a topic from our weekly classes and fin
d a relevant digital transformation or use of AI. •
Review the Implications:
Discuss what you think are some of the implications for an area of HRM. How will this change the role of HR? Or the work of an HR professional? •
Evaluate the Ethics: Identify and explain one ethical concern. Lang’s mission is about using business as a force for good, and it is important that we think about how new trends might impact this. How might digital transformation or AI have a negative impact if HR professionals are not paying attention to ethics? Option Two: Employee Relations and Conflict Resolution
onflict is one of the only things we can reliably say will occur within organizations. Given their role, HR professionals are often positioned to support confl
ict in the workplace. For this topic you need to: •
Describe the topic:
Identify and describe a con
flict that could occur in the workplace between an employee and HR. Some examples that you could use include, conflict over compen
sation, conflict when an internal employee applies for a new promotion/job and does not get it, and con
ict over what is in a job description vs manager expectations. There are other types but those are some examples. When describing the conflict
, identify the key players, influential
factors, and in general what the conflict is.
Review the Implications:
Investigate techniques for managing workplace conflicts and fostering positive employee relations. For this portion, discuss three techniques HR could use to help address the conflict. Then, select one of these approaches/techniques. Which approach or technique do you thin
k would be most effe
ctive? •
Evaluate the Ethics: Discuss the ethical implications of managing this co
nflict. How does the approach you selected support an ethical resolution? Option Three: Workplace
and Inclusion
(EDI): Workplace EDI is an important topic that we discussed across multiple units throughout the semester. HR professionals play a key role in supporting, monitoring, and enhancing workplace diversity. For this topic you need to: •
Describe the topic:
Define what EDI is in the context of HRM and explain why it is important
in the workplace. •
Review the Implications
: Identify and discuss three strategies that an HR department could consider to help develop an inclusive organizational culture. •
Evaluate the ethics:
Discuss the role of both EDI and HRM in helping support business as a force for good. Alternative Choice
As previously mentioned, if none of these topics appeal to you, then you can also propose another topic, but you need to have this choice approved by me, via email
two weeks prior
to the due date. I will not
be approving alternative topics within the two-week timeline.