Describe one of the problem behaviors identified in Tim's Behavior Support plan.
One of the problem behaviors identified in Tim's Behavior Support Plan is his use of verbal and physical aggression, as well as property destruction, to obtain toys and join in play situations. Tim's aggressive behavior causes his peers to relinquish desired toys or leave the play area and can also result in an adult intervention that provides him with negative attention. Additionally, Tim may grab toys, scream, and use
physical aggression when peers suggest playing with toys in a new way, proposing a different play theme, or joining in his play, causing his peers to give in to his ideas or ask a teacher to intervene.
Identify one skill that should be taught to Tim.
one skill that could be taught to Tim is coping skills for managing frustration and anger. This could include techniques such as deep breathing, counting to 10, taking a break to cool down, or using positive
self-talk to reframe negative thoughts. Teaching Tim these skills could help him better regulate his emotions and reduce the frequency or intensity of his problem behaviors.
Identify and describe one tool or strategy to teach this skill.
One tool or strategy to teach Tim the skill of self-monitoring his behavior could be the use of a behavior chart. The behavior chart can be created by listing the target behavior or skill (e.g., staying on task, following directions) and the specific criteria for success. The criteria should be clear and measurable, so
Tim can easily understand what is expected of him. For example, if the target behavior is staying on task during independent work, the criteria for success might be "completing three tasks without getting out of the seat or interrupting others."
Every time Tim successfully meets the criteria, he can receive a checkmark or a sticker on the chart. The chart can be posted in a visible place, so Tim can see his progress and be motivated to continue improving. If Tim does not meet the criteria, the chart can be used as an opportunity to discuss what went wrong and what he can do differently next time to meet the criteria.
The behavior chart can also be used to track Tim's progress over time, which can be motivating for him and help identify any patterns or trends in his behavior. This can be especially helpful in identifying any triggers or antecedents that may be contributing to problem behaviors.
Describe what steps you will take when the problem behavior occurs.
Here are the steps that can be taken:
As the behavior occurs, it's important to remain calm and composed. The safety of Tim and those around him is paramount. If necessary, remove him from the immediate environment or area where the
behavior occurred to prevent harm. It's important to understand why the behavior occurred, and what need or desire it served. This can help identify any underlying issues or triggers. Positive reinforcement is an effective way to encourage desired behaviors. Once Tim has calmed down, offer praise and reward for appropriate behavior. Redirecting Tim's behavior can help to prevent the behavior from reoccurring. Redirect his attention to a preferred activity or task that can distract him from the problematic behavior.
Documenting the Incident will help to analyze patterns, identify triggers, and develop strategies for preventing similar incidents in the future. Following up with Tim and those involved in the incident to ensure they are emotionally and physically okay. Reassess Tim's needs and behavior support plan and make necessary adjustments to ensure his continued success.