Describe the situation and the assumptions you made.
My current workplace has no female employees working in production,
shipping, and receiving.
There are only 3 female employees including me.
One is the receptionist, and the other is HR. I assumed the reason was
because the working conditions are rough.
It is extremely hot, dirty, and
production has heavy lifting. I am the only female near the production floor
with the uniform requirement. Yes, I work in an office part of the day, but out
on the floor most of the time. I am management.
There are only two people
above me which is the Vice President & the President of the company.
Did these assumptions turn out to be accurate?
My assumptions did not turn out accurate.
It turns out that the men who run
the company do not acknowledge women in the workforce. A secretary is
okay, but any production worker, management, or leadership position held
by a female they don’t agree with. The company has lost 3 HR employees
within a year and a half due to this poor treatment of women.
Identify the impact(s) of your assumptions on you and/or your
behaviors, on others, or on the organization.
The impact of this “stone age” action is causing me to work harder, longer,
and must prove my knowledge & experience more than the men. I get
pushed aside on important decisions that involve my work duties.
I get left
out of management meetings all the time even though I am part of that
management team. I get handed more tasks on a daily basis that are part of
other manager’s jobs and not mine. I do not get respected with all the hard
work I do. I get picked for all the tasks that no one wants to deal with. I have
worked in a male dominating workplace before, but never with the lack of
appreciation for women[ CITATION Gra20 \l 1033 ].
Examine what you would—and would not—do differently if faced
with a similar situation in the future.
Currently, I am seeking other employment options. There are a lot of good
hard workers here that I absolutely respect, but I cannot continue to work
under these conditions. In my job seeking task, I started asking more in-
depth questions about women in management. If there are not any women in
management, then I move on to a different company.
I have learned hard
lessons. I truly thought that my knowledge and experience would be enough,
but apparently being the wrong gender is crucial for some organizations.
Being a smart, intelligent, hard-working woman is difficult, but it is a
challenge that I whole heartedly accepted[ CITATION Ros13 \l 1033 ].
However, when that isn’t even enough, time to move on. I take pride in doing