LDR 535 Week 3 Rachel Miller



University of Phoenix *

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Jun 22, 2024





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1 Leadership Theories Comparison Chart Rachel Miller University of Phoenix LDR/535 Dr. Renee’ Green May 14, 2024
2 Theory Description Strengths Weaknesses Trait Theory The concept is that effective leaders are born with specific personality traits and behavioral characteristics. These abilities enable them to become good leaders in many contexts. Furthermore, it reinforces the notion that some individuals possess inherent leadership abilities, surpassing others. Leaders possess distinct hobbies and personality qualities that differ significantly from those of non-leaders (2024). Provides a clear and concise explanation for leadership by emphasizing inherent qualities that are easy to understand. Has a foundation for identifying potential leaders by emphasizing favorable characteristics. There is historical significance in the establishment of the fundamental groundwork for future leadership research and the development of succeeding theories. (Team, 2024) Excessively simplifying the concept of leadership and neglecting to include situational variables or the influence of followers. Fails to include situational elements and context, implying that particular qualities are uniformly useful in all circumstances. The process of identifying and measuring qualities can be subjective. (Team, 2024) Behavioral Theory The emphasis is placed on inherent characteristics leading to observable actions. It implies that leadership is a skill that can be acquired and improved by adopting particular actions (Team, 2024). Leadership styles in behavioral theories are classified into many categories, including task-oriented and relationship-oriented actions. This method highlights the significance of behaviors in influencing the effectiveness of leadership and provides the opportunity for training and growth. Enabling leaders to acquire knowledge and make deliberate choices on the actions they choose to undertake to shape their desired leadership style. Allows flexibility to adjust actions according to the specific conditions encountered. The implication is that anyone can have the potential to assume a leadership role. ( Leadership Theories and Styles , 2020) Lacks explicit guidance on how to behave in certain situations, despite its flexibility. (Leadership Theories and Styles , 2020) Contingency Theory Leadership is contingent upon the relationship among leaders, followers, and the circumstances. Claims that a universal leadership strategy does not exist and that leaders must modify their style to align situationally (Leadership Theories and Styles, 2020). Models such as Fiedler's Contingency Model and Hersey-Blanchard's Situational Leadership Theory emphasize the significance of taking into account situational factors, such as task structure and leader- member relations, when identifying the most optimal leadership style (Arslan, 2018). Leaders possess the ability to be effective regardless of the situational circumstances they find themselves in. Offers practical guidance for matching leadership styles to specific situational variables. (Leadership Theories and Styles, 2020 ) Can be intricate and demanding due to situational circumstances. Determining the most suitable leadership style for a specific situation can be a difficult task. Certain contingency models depend on oversimplified assumptions that may not consistently align with real-world situations. (Leadership Theories and Styles, 2020 )
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