


University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by MajorEelPerson314

Due Feb 12 at 11:59pm Points 100 Questions 25 Available Feb 9 at 8am - Feb 12 at 11:59pm Time Limit 60 Minutes Instructions Attempt History Attempt Time Score LATEST Attempt 1 19 minutes 92 out of 100 Correct answers will be available Feb 13 at 12am - Feb 13 at 11:59pm. Score for this quiz: 92 out of 100 Submitted Feb 12 at 12:08pm This attempt took 19 minutes. SHS 222 Midterm Exam Overview The midterm exam covers content from Modules 1 – 4. It includes multiple choice and true/false questions. Instructions The midterm consists of 25 questions. You will be given 60 minutes to complete the midterm. Once you begin the exam, you must complete it in the allotted time frame. At the end of the time frame, your exam will submit, regardless of whether you have completed all of the questions. The midterm is worth 100 points. Click "Take the Quiz" to begin. When you are finished, click "Submit the Quiz."
4 / 4 pts Question 1 George W. Veditz, president of the National Association of the Deaf, protested against the Civil Service law that Prohibited deaf people from working for the government Prohibited deaf people from working in education Prohibited deaf people from driving or flying 4 / 4 pts Question 2 Research over the years shows that deaf babies of hearing parents have a rather ordinary upbringing Deaf babies of Deaf parents have a rather ordinary upbringing 0 / 4 pts Question 3 Incorrect Incorrect A hearing person can be considered Deaf if they have Deaf parents/family, use ASL fluently, and are an active member of the Deaf community. True False 4 / 4 pts Question 4 In the 1960s the linguist William Stokoe showed that ASL is
an arsenal of gestures without rules a true language with rules like any other language 4 / 4 pts Question 5 Many alumni of Gallaudet university: were frustrated that the university was not doing business with its own alumni were proud that the university was doing all it could to support its deaf alumni 4 / 4 pts Question 6 The concept of the rally began with current students at the time alumni faculty and staff parents 4 / 4 pts Question 7 The study of syntax involves the smallest unit of language that has meaning word order and sentence types
the range of registers in which languages are utilized to address the needs of specific audiences 4 / 4 pts Question 8 Do signed languages have all types of variation: social, ethnic, gender, age, as well as linguistic variation, like phonological, morphological, lexical, and so on? No. Yes. 4 / 4 pts Question 9 Many Deaf people are bilingual. True False 4 / 4 pts Question 10 Communicative competence is the idea that, when someone knows a language, they know how to use the forms of the language, and nothing more. True False
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