ASL TrueWay Quiz 1



Florida State College at Jacksonville *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by andrena2672

ASL TrueWay Quiz 1.1 Question 1 Generally, which location should you be looking at when someone is signing? Around their face At their hands At their upper chest Slightly below their chin Look at the area between the signer’s face and upper chest - in a way, you’re looking at the general area of their neck as they sign. See 1.1 Snapshot “Where Do I Look?” Question 2 When a signer signs, it is appropriate to watch the signer's hands. True False Thumbs up! It is appropriate to position your eyes at the signer's face, and absorbing the signs that happen in the signer's space. Question 3 There are multiple attention-getting strategies used by people in signing communities. Choose the ones that are appropriate. spray water lightly in the person's direction scream their name as loudly as you can wave to someone near the person you want to talk to, and ask them to direct the person's attention to you tap on the person's shoulder
if you're in a room with people, flick the light switch to get one person's attention wait patiently until that person sees you depending on the type of floor, stomp on the floor several times tap the person's shoulder lightly with one finger throw something in front of their face, getting their attention wave right in front of the person's face Question 4 If someone is blocking your field of vision and you can't see the person who is signing - you should tap the person who is blocking your vision - on the shoulder and ask them to please move. True False If someone is blocking your field of vision, you should gently pull them back by the shoulder. Be sure to pull them back gently. Don’t tap their shoulder, because that will signal them that you want their attention, which is not what you intend. See 1.1 Snapshot “Signing Sightlines” Question 5 If I am ambidextrous (able to use both my right and left hands equally), that means I can switch between signing with my right hand, then if I become tired I can sign with my left hand! True False If I am ambidextrous, I need to pick one hand to become my dominant hand as I learn sign language.
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