edmu 524 week 6 journal



University of La Verne *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Jun 8, 2024





Uploaded by DeanWallaby1672

1. After reading Chapter 19, what are the five levels of Van Hiele’s Levels of Geometric Thinking? 2. What are 2 activities you could implore to help students master level 2 of Van Hiele's theory? 3. students can use the cubes strips to practice measuring animals.     This is a great activity when you are first getting started with measurement 4. After reading Chapter 18 and watching the video on non-standard units of measurement ( How to Measure Length - An Introduction to Non-Standard Units | Kids Educational Videos ), respond to the following: ï‚· How does the use of non-standard units engage students in learning the importance of accuracy and precision? ï‚· How might you use non-standard measurement to scaffold instruction for English language learners or students who are more than 1 grade level behind academically? The incorporation of non-standard measurement methods effectively engages students in comprehending the significance of accuracy and precision, as demonstrated in the video. By using objects like Lego towers, students are able to compare lengths directly, students and we use the Unifix cubes strips to practice measuring animals.     This is a great activity when you are first getting started with measurement a hands-on learning experience. This approach allows them to visually assess objects. The on comparing lengths, without initially delving into standardized units, encourages students to focus on the relative sizes of objects, laying a foundation for accuracy and precision. This tactile and interactive method is particularly advantageous for English language learners, minimizing language barriers,
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