Task 3- Part C Feedback Form Client 1 final



Lead College Parramatta *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Jan 9, 2024





Uploaded by ChefGiraffeMaster436

CLIENT 1 FEEDBACK FORM Student’s name Namandeep Kaur Date 01/07/2023 Please describe three skills/thing this student performs well. Please give examples to support your response Empathy : She can empathize with a client like me by making me trust that she could identify my main problem and would fully help resolve it. Open-minded : She truly listened and tried to understand my problem very well. Patience: Since I'd been through rough times, I spent a lot of time conversing with her. Even so, she was patient with me. Please provide three skills which require further improvement. Please give examples to support your response Lead College Pty Ltd RTO No: 41489 CRICOS Code: 03636F Part C Feedback Form Client 1 – CHCCCS004 Assess Co-existing Needs Page 1
Document management: She took a long time to collect information from me, and it seemed unorganized. Legal knowledge: I feel like she's not very confident in providing legal information. Cope with challenging situations : She was not very confident in dealing with difficult situations because she seemed to take a long time. Client name (optional) Client A (due to privacy and confidentiality) Client signature (optional) Date 01/07/2023 Lead College Pty Ltd RTO No: 41489 CRICOS Code: 03636F Part C Feedback Form Client 1 – CHCCCS004 Assess Co-existing Needs Page 2
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