Hello Everyone,
This week I will be discussing my simulated press conference that will address copyright violations of music that was downloaded through illegal means. “First, I would like to thank my supporters and fans that obtain my work through approved and legal methods. The fact that my music is being downloaded through Peer-2-Peer (P2P) puts a hindrance on the income that would have been achieved through regular sales on approved music streaming services such as iTunes, Amazon, and other legal methods. The music can also be found on our released CD. The fact that so many people are downloading my hit song illegally clearly violates the Digital Millenium Copyright Act and any services knowingly engaging in illegal distribution will be met with litigation actions. The likely outcome of the litigation brought against distributors will likely yield in our favor. Take Napster for example, the service was illegally distributing music and was met with a nasty lawsuit by A&M records that ultimately was the end of Napster until it was bought out by Best Buy. That said, please don’t download my music illegally. While I appreciate the new fan base brought upon us by all the attention and spreading of my music, I refuse to release any more creative work until the lawsuits seeking damages receive their final ruling. We expect the court to rule in our favor because the fair use law only applies in certain situations such as parodying my music. If you were one of the individuals or service providers infringing upon my material, see you in court. To all the loyal paying fans, I want to personally thank you for your support.”
John Caldwell
Jha, A. K., & Rajan, P. (2023). Copyright piracy and education. International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, 13(2), 149-178.