DOC714S - Wk7 -Prospectus Research Methodology (Proposed Method and Design) and Research Questions



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Feb 20, 2024





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1 Program Note: DOC/714S is about the process and conceptualization of your research .  Final Approval for research topic, problem and purpose statements, and research questions will be secured from your dissertation Chair and University Research Methodologist (URM).  While your RES/709 faculty member's evaluation and feedback are essential, final approval for your research topic, problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions rest with your dissertation Chair and URM, who have expertise in guiding and assessing the research at the appropriate dissertation phases. The primary faculty member for this course will give you feedback on your progress and encourage you to look deeper into your topic while researching its feasibility.  RES/709 is focused on the process and provide the conceptualization and design strategies needed to initiate, create, and reframe your research as you progress your doctoral journey. Your RES/709 faculty member will be available to offer guidance and support regarding the process and development of the foundational elements of your research.  However, again, your course faculty member is not responsible for approving your problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions. Beginning in DOC/715, your dissertation Chair and URM will be the individuals responsible for approving your problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions of your dissertation.  Additionally, your URM will assist in ensuring the final alignment of your research method and design. It is crucial to keep in mind the feedback and guidance provided by your dissertation committee is vital in ensuring your study meets the highest standards and expectations of the program. During DOC/715, DOC/723, DOC/741, and DOC/742, it is highly recommended you closely collaborate with your dissertation committee to incorporate the feedback provided by these experts.  Furthermore, you must approach the development of your dissertation with a growth mindset to enable you to cultivate the Scholar-Practitioner-Leader skills necessary for success in our program and your future career. By embracing challenges as opportunities for learning and growth, persevering through obstacles, and acquiring the skills and knowledge required to become an effective Scholar- Practitioner-Leader, you will excel not only in your doctoral journey but also in your academic and professional endeavors.  I am confident adopting a growth mindset will contribute to achieving your goals.
2 DOC/714S Prospectus Aarron Buzzard University of Phoenix DOC/714S Dr. Amy Preiss January 15, 2024
3 Prospectus 1. Program of Study Doctor of Management 2. Problem Statement The problem is law enforcement officers are not held accountable for using excessive force, resulting in increased tension, crime, distrust, and lack of respect between officers and the community they serve. In the adverse effects of unbalanced policing procedures against individual communities are well documented (U.S. Commission of Civil Rights, 2018). Accountability and misconduct in law enforcement concerns emphasize the constant necessity for insight and adjusting the efficiency of managing standards and procedures. The research on excessive force complaints from citizens and excessive force violations within local law enforcement departments will show a correlation between officer misconduct and subpar disciplinary standards. The more specific problem is why these excessive force cases are not treated the same as citizens who commit a similar type of crime. This study aims to mend the law enforcement-community relationship, which has been damaged severely in the last decade. By allowing for improved officer-citizen relationship that creates more accountability and transparency within law enforcement (Fridel et al., 2019). Offering the community to be part of the solution to this issue would show trust from law enforcement and the willingness to create a viable solution. 3. Purpose Statement The purpose of this proposed Delphi study will be to gain a consensus of opinion from a panel of legal experts on why there is a lack of accountability for excessive force
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4 and strategies to reduce excessive force. Accountability for law enforcement involved in excessive force cases has been reviewed and debated between law enforcement officers, legislators, and scholars for years (Archbold, 2021). Excessive force is a reoccurring issue that comes up multiple times per year and seems to have no end or viable solution. Using a group of approximately 10 to 15 officers, varying in rank to gather information on how excessive force is perceived by law enforcement from an accountability standpoint in 2023, will help understand how accountability is dealt with on different levels. This proposed study could allow ideas of solutions for community-based committees on these types of issues that could benefit the State of Florida (Sivin et al., 2023). 4. Research Methodology (Proposed Method and Design) Using the chosen research topic of the lack of Accountability in Law Enforcement in excessive force cases, adding the within the last five years parameter found 20 results in this search. Finding the first dissertation on qualitative study method the justification showed minimal amount of research performed on the experience of young African American males residing in disadvantaged communities as it interacts with law enforcement. Additionally, minimum investigation has been conducted on exactly how their experience influences their actions (Lurry, 2023). In the hopes of a better understanding by gaining consensus from legal experts, such as law enforcement, experiences of these issues. Using these same parameters searching for quantitative methods used in a dissertation the justification research found a deeper investigation into the policies, officer training, and different less-lethal approaches to decrease excessive use of force
5 (Moyer, 2023). The researcher wanted to understand why there is not a standard of these policies across the country and why there is so much inconsistency in written policies from department to department. The researcher wanted to have the ability to provide clearer and more concise solutions for use across the board. First, the goal of the chosen research is to provide a better solution to rebuild the better relationship between law enforcement and the community. The method of research chosen to complete this research is the Delphi approach within the study to gain insight and collect data from the source officers themselves. By using this method, professionals can be interviewed in smaller groups of senior and lower-level officers to gain insight into different levels of accountability and how they manage these cases of excessive force. This will assist the building process and help gain ideas for creating a solution to involve citizens in these types of decisions. The qualitative research design is the applied design in which the researcher has conducted the research. Hsu and Sanford (2007) “The Delphi technique is well suited as a means and method for consensus-building by using a series of questionnaires to collect data from a panel of selected subjects.” The researcher must refrain from the study so that personal beliefs or personal experiences do not interfere with the research. After the researcher receives the interviews, they interpret the findings of significant statements. The researcher publishes the findings in various formats. The Delphi process can be constantly assessed awaiting the consensus that would be established. However, three duplications are regularly adequate to gather the required evidence and to accomplish the needed consensus in many cases. The recommendations for the use of up to four iterations are to support individuals who choose to utilize the
6 Delphi study while collecting evidence once it is revealed that added reiterations outside of three are required or helpful. This design has concentrated philosophical foundations and usually comprises performing interviews (Hsu and Sanford, 2007). Using question- and-answer gatherings is a significantly more intimate style of research than surveys (Trochim et al., 2016). In the personal interview, the interviewer works directly with the respondent. In contrast to mail surveys, the interviewer has the opportunity to probe or ask follow-up questions, and interviews are easier for the respondent, especially if seeking opinions or impressions. Interviews can be time-consuming, and they are resource-intensive. The interviewer is considered a part of the measurement instrument, and interviewers must be well-trained to respond to any contingency. The qualitative method paired with the Delphi study design provides the research to gather data from those who experience that issue to create viable solutions or policy changes. The Delphi study also aligns with the problem statement, which concerns accountability in law enforcement regarding the use of excessive force, and the purpose statement, to understand better why there is a lack of accountability with excessive force cases involving law enforcement, specifically in the State of Florida in 2023 additionally, while diving into the research questions that need to be answered. 1. What is the most effective policy that reduces excessive force incidences? Why? 2. Would the use of civilians on law enforcement department's use-of-force review boards help with police accountability? The Delphi study assists in clearly understanding persons’ experiences and insights. The researcher geared the study toward discovering why individuals react, feel, or interact with a topic and focus on individuals’ insights into the controlled feedback in their statements
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7 (Burkholder, 2016). Conducting the qualitative design approach allows the research to produce trends and patterns that can help create an exploratory hypothesis, thus creating potential solutions for leadership. The Delphi study was the best option for this research, as interviews are the method by which the information the researcher will gather. Case studies would be closely related to Delphi, but it would limit the researchers' ability to use the individual's point of view within the results. The ethnography theory approach would have been another method, as this topic is one of the social and cultural implications. However, completing face-to-face interviews directly correlates to the Delphi approach. There are limitations to every design, and Delphi is no different; limitations that could diminish the research using the Delphi method are as follows. A significant limitation is the potential for low response rates. Low response rates due to the repetitiveness of questions and time constraints could potentially hinder the results of the interviews. This type of research can be exhausting for the researcher to complete follow-ups, and revisions are necessary to gather valid and factual data. However, the Delphi study is an effective method to identify individual experiences and increase understanding of individuals’ behaviors and motives, penetrating through long-held theories and questioning everyday wisdom. It could influence the advancement of new theories, changes in policies, or changes in reactions (Sablatzky, 2022). The Delphi study is the research design intention to find the root cause of accountability concerns in excessive force cases by officers themselves. The Delphi Method strives to attain the decision of professional individuals in an organized method to collect expert viewpoints ( Bataller-Grau et al., 2019 ). Gathering information from the individuals this affects directly helps create a viable solution for policy changes. This information also would help bring a
8 positive change and start mending the broken relationship between officers and their communities. 5. Research Population and Sample and Other Data Sources The problem is the lack of accountability in law enforcement regarding the use of excessive force, resulting in increased tension, crime, distrust, and lack of respect between officers and the community they serve. The primary theory that would be meaningful to this research is the Social Learning Theory (SLT) and the secondary theory would be the social- ecological theory (SET). Both theories are significant as each theory correlates with law enforcement's relationship with the communities that they serve. Improving on the SLT within law enforcement and avoid excessive force cases within the community, training, and cultural education is a must (Henderson, 2020). Moyer (2020) states, “The Social-Ecological Theory focuses on an individual's behavior by assessing three factors. The three factors are “individual characteristics, social aspects, and community”. Specifically, this theory assesses the community as a whole and understanding how they fit into the overall society.” Both social theories focus on the relationship dynamic of officers and how they fit into their respective communities where they serve. The SLT articulates the argument on why people within society act in various ways fitting to the conditions in their upbringing or the life experiences they have had as individuals. People can be taught specific behaviors, whether they are positive or negative, however, these same behaviors can be transposed when the proper training or corrective action is applied. The SET provides previous studies that have shown themselves to be effective in creating transformative and maintainable programs and policy changes for solutions to excessive force cases.
9 6. Significance of the Study The significance of this research is to dive further into law enforcement, department training, and alternate less-lethal techniques to decrease excessive force cases. The execution of use-of-force policies is applied differently within various departments of law enforcement which reveals no consistency in the implementation of the policy (Moyer, 2022). Each circumstance is unique, but as expected the national attention excessive force has been receiving, there must be a better solution in reducing excessive force. Investigating this issue further, predominantly how the policies are created and completed, could present law enforcement superiors with a more viable way to hold officers accountable to prevent excessive force. The research will explore and support a larger interpretation of excessive force. Politicians and policymakers have the ability to review the use of force policies and training materials to increase the performance of law enforcement. If politicians and law enforcement superiors inaugurate the suggested reactions to excessive force from other law enforcement personnel, this research would serve as the intent of creating positive transformation within the justice system. This research intends to assist communities, policymakers, and the leaders in the United States in improving and enacting policies, justice, and accountability for excessive force cases. The purpose allows the participants to pinpoint the law enforcement performances in diverse types of communities. Additionally, presents individual experiences in the challenges the officers face in these different situations. When citizens encounter law enforcement, most citizens perceive automatically that law enforcement represents the protection of the
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10 community (Henderson, 2020). This also leads many citizens to believe and accept the conduct of law enforcement when they have encounters. 7. Research Questions/Hypotheses State the proposed research question and hypotheses, when appropriate. Review the “Research Questions/Hypotheses” section of the “Research Design Selection” and “Alignment” section associated with the proposed design to ensure alignment. 8. Topic Literature Provide a list of 5 to 10 references in APA format that are relevant to the proposed study. Include 1 or 2 sentences with each reference to describe the relevance of the literature to the proposed study. 9. Topic Theories Review research literature associated with the selected research topic(s) and state up to 3 relevant theories associated with the topics. This step will become the basis for the conceptual or theoretical framework, which will become more fully developed in chapters 1 and 2 of the proposal. 10. Research Data Collection Strategy Briefly describe the proposed process for collecting these data from the research sample and from any archival sources described in item 5.
11 References American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association: The official guide to APA style (7th ed.). American Psychological Association. Archbold, C. A. (2021). Police Accountability in the USA: Gaining Traction or Spinning Wheels? Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 15 (3), 1665-1683. Bataller-Grau, J., Segui-Mas, E., Vercher-Moll, J., & Stempel, J. W. (2019). Constructing More Reliable Law and Policy: The Potential Benefits of the Underused Delphi Method of the Underused Delphi Method.  Scholarly Commons @ William S Boyd School of Law . chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ viewcontent.cgi?article=2244&context=facpub Burkholder, G. J., Cox, K. A., & Crawford, L. M. (Eds.). (2016). The scholar-practitioner’s guide to research design . Baltimore, MD: Laureate Publishing. Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage Publications. Fisher, C. (2022). Law Enforcement Allegiance: How Chapter 20 Provides an Ineffective Solution to Police Accountability. University of the Pacific Law Review, 53 (2), 361–379. Fridel, E. E., Sheppard, K. G., & Zimmerman, G. M. (2020). Integrating the literature on police use of deadly force and police lethal victimization: How does place impact fatal police citizen encounters? Journal of Quantitative Criminology , 36, 957–992. https://doi- org/10.1007/s10940- 019-09438-5
12 Henderson, E. J. (2020). Qualitative Phenomenological Study of Police Misuse of Force within Law Enforcement (Order No. 27737742). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2362282983). study-police-misuse/docview/2362282983/se-2 Hoover, L. (2021, November 3). 5 Qualitative Research Designs and Research Methods. Hsu, Chia-Chien & Sandford, Brian A. (2007). The Delphi Technique: Making Sense of Consensus. Practical Assessment Research & Evaluation , 12(10). Available online: Hymon, D. A. (2020). Use of Force Citizen Complaints, Use of Force Violations, and Early Intervention (Order No. 27666284). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2325377976). docview/2325377976/se-2 Lurry, K. D. (2023). A Qualitative Study of Urban Male Perception and Definition of Respect for Law Enforcement Officers (Order No. 30524386). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2820909726). male-perception/docview/2820909726/se-2 Moyer, J. A. (2022). Law Enforcement: An Assessment of Use of Force Policies and Training (Order No. 29992826). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2744898799). docview/2744898799/se-2 Ray, R. (2020, August 25). How can we enhance police accountability in the United States? Brookings. states/
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13 Thusi, I. I., & Carter, R. L. (2018). Promoting Accountability . Transforming the System. policing-practices/promoting-accountability/ Trochim, W. M., Donnelly, J. P., & Arora, K. (2016). Research methods: The essential knowledge base . Cengage Learning. Sablatzky, T. (2022). The Delphi Method.  Hypothesis: Research Journal for Health Information Professionals 34 (1). Sivin, E., Miller, G. D., & Roche, D. (2023, March 17). The cost of police misconduct and lack of accountability. Sivin, Miller, & Roche LLP. cost-of-police-misconduct-and-lack-of-accountability/ U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. (2018, November 15). Police Use of Force: Policing Practices . Washington Post (2021). Police Shootings Database. Washington Post.
14 Appendix A Locating DOI Numbers or Links for Journal Articles Digital object identifiers (DOI) are a new system and articles have been, or are in the process, of being identified with a DOI number. As an author, one of your responsibilities is to see if an article has been assigned a DOI number, and if not, provide a direct link to the article, instead of providing “Retrieved from (secured database).” Using a DOI and avoiding secured database URLs allows individuals interested in researching 1 of your references to have easier article access. Sometimes finding a DOI number or a direct link can be challenging. When you see “Search ProQuest” in a link, then you know the link is to a secured database that most people will not have access to. There are 2 areas to search for DOI numbers. They usually lead to locating a DOI number. Follow these instructions to locate a DOI number: 1. Access Crossref .
15 2. In the search bar , select the Search metadata tab . 3. Copy and paste or type in the article title into the search bar and select the Enter key . 4. Review the search results . a. If your desired article has been assigned a DOI number, the article and DOI will usually be the first item listed in the results. Consider bookmarking this website to quickly look up DOI numbers for future articles. b. If your article doesn't return a search result, the article has not been assigned a DOI number yet. Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) for alternate options. You must provide an easily accessible link for every journal article.
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16 Appendix B Paragraphing with the MEAL Plan Refer to the MEAL Plan method. 1 M: Main Idea Every paragraph should have 1 main idea. If you find that your paragraphs have more than 1 main idea, separate your paragraphs so that each has only 1 main point. The idea behind a paragraph is to introduce an idea and expand upon it. If you veer off into a new topic, begin a new paragraph. E: Evidence or Examples Your main idea needs support, either in the form of evidence that buttresses your argument or examples that explain your idea. If you don’t have any evidence or examples to support your main idea, your idea may not be strong enough to warrant a complete paragraph. In this case, reevaluate your idea and see whether you even need to keep it in the paper. A: Analysis Analysis is the heart of academic writing. While your readers want to see evidence or examples of your idea, the critical part of your idea is your interpretation of your evidence or examples: how you break them apart, how you compare them to other ideas, how you use them to build a persuasive case, how you demonstrate their strengths or weaknesses, and so on. Analysis is especially important if your evidence (E) is a quotation from another author. Always follow a quotation with your analysis of the quotation, demonstrating how that quotation helps 1 Adapted from “Paragraphing: The MEAL Plan,” by Duke University, 2006 (
17 you to make your case. If you let a quotation stand on its own, the quotation’s author will have a stronger voice in your paragraph (and maybe even your paper) than you will. L: Link Links help your reader see how your paragraphs fit together. When you end a paragraph, try to link it to something else in your paper, such as your thesis or argument, the previous paragraph or main idea, or the following paragraph. Creating links will help your reader understand the logic and organization of your paper, as well as the logic and organization of your argument or main points. 2 Example Using Each Letter of the MEAL Plan: M : Supporters and opponents of the death penalty have justified their beliefs on a number of grounds. E : Supporters, for instance, argue that the death penalty is the ultimate specific deterrent in that someone who is put to death will never be able to murder again (Pataki, 1997). A : The threat of being put to death for an offense may also act as a general deterrent, promoting a safer community (van den Haag & Conrad, 1983). Further, some argue that the death penalty provides retribution and answers individual, and society needs to punish offenders (Fein, 1993) and that the death penalty is cheaper than life imprisonment. 2 Adapted from “Paragraphing: The MEAL Plan,” by Duke University, 2006 (
18 L : Based on these arguments, supporters believe that the justice system has a duty to impose the death penalty on certain offenders (van den Haag & Conrad, 1983). Sample Paragraph: Supporters and opponents of the death penalty have justified their beliefs on a number of grounds. Supporters, for instance, argued the death penalty is the ultimate specific deterrent as someone who is put to death will never be able to murder again (Pataki, 1997). The threat of being put to death for an offense may also act as a general deterrent, promoting a safer community (van den Haag & Conrad, 1983). Further, Fein (1993) argued the death penalty provides retribution, answers individual and societal needs to punish offenders, and is cheaper than life imprisonment. Based on these arguments, supporters believe the justice system has a duty to impose the death penalty on certain offenders (van den Haag & Conrad, 1983).
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