Define the IoT in your own words



Concordia University *

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Information Systems


Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by CommodoreMorning9346

1. Define the IoT in your own words. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term used to describe a system of networks of physical objects, such as cars, appliances, and other machinery, that are equipped with sensors, software, and network connectivity. 2. Five facts about the IoT / 5 links: a) By 2025, there will be an estimated 41.6 billion IoT-connected devices in the world. (Source: patch manager) #:~:text=Based%20on%20the%20predictions%20of,must%20store%2C%20process%20and %20analyze . b) The global IoT market is projected to reach 1,436.19 billion by 2027. (Source: global news wire) Market-to-be-Worth-USD-1-463-19-Billion-by-2027-at-24-9-CAGR-Demand-for-Real-time- Insights-to-Spur-Growth-says-Fortune-Business-Insights.html c) IoT devices are vulnerable to cyber-attacks, with one study finding that 98% of IoT traffic is unencrypted. (Source: Nasdaq) accelerate-iots-growth d) IoT technology has been used in agriculture to monitor soil conditions, track livestock, and manage irrigation systems. (Source: Forbes) using-iot/?sh=377a8c166afb e) In healthcare, IoT devices are being used to monitor patients remotely, track medication adherence, and collect real-time data to improve treatment outcomes. (Source: national liberty of medicine). 3. Daily life living in a smart city? Living in a smart city means that various technologies are integrated into the city's infrastructure to improve the quality of life for its residents. For example, in a smart city, traffic lights may be synchronized to reduce congestion, waste management systems may be optimized to reduce landfill use, and public transportation may be more efficient. The good aspects of living in a smart city include improved sustainability, efficiency, and convenience. However, there are also potential downsides, such as increased surveillance, data privacy concerns, and potential job displacement as automation takes over certain tasks. Overall, I think that the benefits of smart city technologies outweigh the risks, but there should be measures in place to ensure that people's privacy and autonomy are respected. As for myself I need the smart city to function as I regularly take the metro to work and school, and if there were delays in this type of infrastructure I would constantly be late as well as thousands of other individuals. I need the smart city to work so I would conclude by stating that it is of upmost importance. 4. Smart City for every person? Daily lives: I think that as IoT devices spread across our daily lives, more automation and convenience will be possible. Therefore, we must be aware of potential privacy issues and take precautions to safeguard our personal information.
Work environment: loT Devices can increase efficiency, productivity, and safety at work. Yet, as some tasks become automated, there is also the possibility of job displacement. Dangers and risks: The biggest dangers and risks associated with IoT are cyber-attacks and data breaches, which can compromise personal data and potentially cause physical harm. 5. Artificial intelligence IoT Big data, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things have the potential to significantly improve how well-functioning smart cities are. AI algorithms, for instance, may assess traffic patterns and modify the timing of traffic lights in real-time to ease congestion. Big data may be utilized to improve waste management processes and lessen the need for landfill space. There are worries about how this technology might be abused, such as when facial recognition is used for monitoring. 6. Smart cities evolving Humanity has both opportunities and challenges as smart cities develop. On the one hand, incorporating technology into urban infrastructure can raise the standard of living for citizens and increase the sustainability of metropolitan areas. However, there are worries about possible job loss, data privacy, and heightened surveillance. It's critical to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of smart city technologies and to make sure they are created in an ethical and open way. 7. 5G affect smart cities 5G technology has the potential to greatly enhance the capabilities of smart cities, enabling faster data transmission and greater connectivity. However, there are also concerns about the potential health effects of prolonged exposure to
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