Application Case 3.4 EDW Helps Connect State Agencies in Michigan
Questions for Discussion
Why would a state invest in a large and expensive IT infrastructure (such as an EDW)?
States invest in IT infrastructures like an Enterprise Data Warehouse to improve government
operations, enhance service delivery, and save costs. An EDW allows for efficient data
management, data sharing, and analysis. This enables better decision-making, cost savings, and
providing more effective services to the state's residents.
What is the size and complexity of the EDW used by state agencies in Michigan?
The EDW used by state agencies in Michigan serves nearly 10,000 users in 5 major departments,
20 agencies, and over 100 bureaus. It processes massive amounts of data from various state
agencies and departments, including the Department of Community Health and the Department
of Human Services. The EDW has generated substantial financial benefits, achieving $1 million
per business day in savings.
What were the challenges, the proposed solution, and the obtained results of the EDW?
The challenges involved fragmented data systems and a lack of data sharing across state
agencies. The proposed solution was the implementation of an Enterprise Data Warehouse to
consolidate and share data across agencies. The results included cost savings, improved program
integrity, operational efficiency, and better service delivery to Michigan residents.