Hello, my name is Jeff Routson, and I am studying for my BS in Data Analytics. I was
born, raised, and have lived my entire life in SW Ohio. I am currently employed as Lead
Technician in a research and development laboratory for HVAC products. I deal with data daily
in my current job. While I wouldn’t consider myself a data professional as of now, that is my
goal in terms of my career. In my spare time I enjoy all manner of outdoor activities, spending
time with my family/friends, and my two dogs.
One data related challenge that I’ve experienced recently within my career is that of
getting the right data so we can get an accurate picture of what is happening. Over the last
several years we have begun a massive shift in the way we operate at work. The focus has been
reducing downtime, process improvement, and optimization. When we started this process much
of the data we needed wasn’t being recorded or even available. We then begun recording and
collecting data, some of it was simple and easy and others took some outside the box thinking on
our part. Eventually, we were able to fine tune our process and we began to see a picture of our
strengths and our weaknesses. Being involved in this project validated my choice in majors and
let me be involved in a real-world data project.