ICTSAD609 Assessment (Word Version)TRG-DOC-09-Student Assessment-ICTSAD609-V1.1 (1)



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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET . Student Details Student Name Student ID Assessment Details CourseDet ails ICT60220 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology Unit Details ICTSAD609 Plan and monitor business analysis activities in an ICT environment Assessmen t Type This is a summative assessment, which requires each student to have adequate practice prior to undertaking this assessment. Assessmen t Methods Assessment 1 (Knowledge Questions) Short Answer Questions In this assessment, you will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit requirements through completing and submitting written questions. You must correctly answer all questions to show that you understand the knowledge required of this unit. Assessment 2 (Project Portfolio) This assessment is divided into six project tasks: Task 1: Carefully read the following Task 2: Project planning Task 3: Plan business analysis approach Task 4: Stakeholder meetings Task 5: Plan business analysis activities and communication Task 6: Stakeholder update meeting Task 7: Performance management meeting Task 8: Manage business analysis Task 9: Submit your completed Project Portfolio
ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 2 of 36
ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 3 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 ASSESSMENT RECORD OF OUTCOME Student Name Student ID Course Name ICT60220 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology Trainer/Assessor Name: Unit code & Title ICTSAD609 - Plan and monitor business analysis activities in an ICT environment Intake/Batch STUDENT DECLARATION I HEREBY DECLARE THAT, this is my (please tick) 1 st Submission 1 ST re-Submission 2 nd re-Submission Reassessment I declare that all the assessment parts completed for this unit are my own work; To the best of my belief, no part of this assessment has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where acknowledgement is made in the text; No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the assessor concerned and where acknowledgement is made in the text; No part of this assessment has been previously submitted as an assessable item, except where authorised by the trainer concerned and where acknowledgement is made in the text; I understand that if I breach the policy, disciplinary action can be against me. I am aware of the reassessment options and right to appeals; I have retained a copy of this assessment. Student Signature Submission Date / / RECORD OF ASSESSMENT OUTCOME (Assessor use ONLY) RESULT S:Satisfactory NS: Not Satisfactory NA: Not Assessed Assessment 1 Knowledge Questions S NS NA Assessment 2 Project portfolio{No. of Tasks:00} Task 1: S NS NA Task 2: S NS NA Task 3: S NS NA Task 4: S NS NA Task 5: S NS NA Task 6: S NS NA Task 7: S NS NA Task 8: S NS NA Task 9: S NS NA Task 10 S NS NA S NS NA Final Unit Outcome Competent Not Yet Competent ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 4 of 36
ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 Comments (if any) Assessor declaration I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. I have also explained about the re-assessment options and appeals rights available to the student. Assessor Name Assessor Signature& date Results entered on RTOM Staff name & date ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 5 of 36
ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 ASSSESSMENT INFORMATION Unit Code and Title ICTSAD609 - Plan and monitor business analysis activities in an ICT environment This Student Assessment Booklet includes both the assessment ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 6 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 General Instructions to Students instruments and the instructions for gathering and interpreting evidences in an assessment process. This unit requires that you to complete two (2) assessments. You must complete all assessments with a competent result to achieve competency for this unit. Please read the information below about each task included in this assessment. Task Description Assessment 1 (Knowledge Evidence) Short Answer Questions In this assessment, you will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit requirements through completing and submitting written questions. You must correctly answer all questions to show that you understand the knowledge required of this unit. Assessment 2 (Workplace Project) (Performance Evidence) This assessment is divided into seven project tasks: Task 1: Carefully read the following Task 2: Project planning Task 3: Plan business analysis approach Task 4: Stakeholder meetings Task 5: Plan business analysis activities and communication Task 6: Stakeholder update meeting Task 7: Performance management meeting Task 8: Manage business analysis Task 9: Submit your completed Project Portfolio 1) In order to be assessed as Competent (C) in this unit you need to provide evidence that demonstrates that you can perform the required competencies to the required standard. 2) In order to avoid plagiarism, you must acknowledge and reference sources and must give credit appropriately. 3) You must use the APA 6th Referencing style. You must contact your assessor for guidance on how to reference. You could also complete a free tutorial on referencing at www. The Basics of APA Style® https://apastyle.apa.org/instructional-aids/tutorials- webinars 4) The following are some types of references that must be acknowledged: - Direct quotations – using another person’s exact words, placing words in quotation marks (for shorter quotes) or indent paragraphs (for longer quotes). - Paraphrases of another person’s words or ideas – using someone else’s ideas in your own words. When you paraphrase, you must cite the source of the ideas - Summarise another person’s ideas – a short summary of the original text, including only the main points of the original author’s ideas or argument. To avoid plagiarism, you must cite the source whenever you summarise another person’s work. ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 7 of 36
ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 - Tables, figures, graphs, diagrams or images obtained from any source – you must acknowledge the original source of all tables, figures, graphs, diagrams or images. - Information obtained from lectures and personal communication –you must acknowledge the source of the information. 5) Competency depends on consistently demonstrating the skills, attitudes and knowledge that enable you to complete workplace tasks confidently in a variety of situations. 6) If you have any difficulties in understanding any of these forms or instructions, please speak to your trainer/ assessor. 7) You must record your handwritten/ typed responses in the assessment pack. You can attach additional pages if required. 8) You must read and complete the Assessment Cover sheet. 9) Your assessor will: O complete the Assessment Task Outcome Record for each assessment task O provide you with feedback for all assessment tasks O mark the assessment task as satisfactory or unsatisfactory O sign the Assessment Task Outcome Record How to submit your assessments When you have completed each assessment, you will need to submit it to your assessor. Instructions about submission can be found at the beginning of each assessment task. Make sure you photocopy your written activities before you submit them – your assessor will put the documents you submit into your student file. Assessment Task Cover Sheet At the beginning of each task in this booklet, you will find an Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Please fill it in for each task, making sure you sign the student declaration. Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task, and will write this on the back of the Task Cover Sheet. Assessment outcomes Once the assessment has been completed, the student will be given the result within 14 days. Once the student has satisfactorily completed the required assessments for a unit of competency he/she will receive an outcome of C (Competent) or otherwise NYC (Not Yet Competent) in which case the student is entitled to apply for a resubmission of the assessment. Reasonable adjustments According to AIBL’s policy, assessment processes and techniques should consider the language, literacy and numeracy capacity of the student in relation to the competency being assessed. If you are unable to complete the assessment in this format, you must inform your assessor and they may arrange for you to take the assessment in an alternative format. ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 8 of 36
ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 Assessment re- submission If a student has been deemed NYC (not yet competent), the Trainer/Assessor (TRN) will explain why and inform the student of what needs to be completed in order to demonstrate competence. Re-assessment for assessments only occurs if the student has previously submitted the assessment or has missed the relevant session(s) and has been afforded special consideration that is approved by the Administration department. If the result for the first submission of an assessment is NYC, students will be given two re-submission opportunities to achieve a competent result (this re-assessment is conducted free of charge). A suitable time will be arranged for the reassessment to occur within 14 days of the completion of the unit in question. Should a student either not make an attempt within this time frame (in spite of all efforts by Albright Institute, its Trainer/Assessor and administration staff to have the student attend a reassessment session) or the student does not achieve a satisfactory result after two re-assessments they may be charged for another attempt. Should the student still not achieve competence after these assessment attempts, it will be necessary for them to re-enrol in (repeat) the unit of competence at a cost. Assessment appeals You can make an appeal about an assessment decision by filling an appeal form. Ask for an appeal for from a student support officer. Refer to Albright Institute’s Assessment Policy for more information about our appeals process. Plagiarism Policy All student work must be written in their own words, except where acknowledged through quotations and referencing. Plagiarism is a serious offence; Albright Institute may impose severe penalties on students who plagiarise. For more information on Plagiarism and Cheating, refer to Albright Institute’s policies. ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 9 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 Assessment 1 – Coversheet Student and Submission Details Student Name Student ID Unit Code and Name ICTSAD609 - Plan and monitor business analysis activities in an ICT environment Date of submission 00/00/0000 STUDENT DECLARATION I declare that a. This assessment is my own work. b. None of this work has been completed by any other person. c. I have not cheated or plagiarized the work or colluded with any other student/s. d. I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks. e. I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me. Student Signature : Assessor To Complete Assessment 1 Assessment Result Date Type Of Submission Short Answer Questions □ C (Competent) □ NYC (Not Yet Competent) □NA (Not Assessed) 00/00/0000 First submission First re-submission Second re-submission Assessor feedback Assessor Name Assessor Signature: This assessment meets the following Knowledge Evidence Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Not Present business analysis process, procedures and techniques project management process, procedures and techniques risk management strategies technology solution patterns stakeholder management techniques and processes communication constraints that may impact on stakeholders requirements management processes, procedures and techniques metrics used in measuring business analysis performance organisational and legislative requirements and procedures applicable to business analysis activities. ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 10 of 36
ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 Assessment 1 – Knowledge Questions Assessmentsummary You are required to answer all the written questions in this assessment. Resources and equipment required to complete this assessment Access to textbooks and other learning materials. Access to a computer, printer, Internet and email software (if required). When and where should the assessment be completed This assessment may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (where applicable). Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment. What needs to be submitted Your answers to each question in this assessment along with references. Instructions This is an open book test – you can use your text book/learning materials as reference. You must answer all questions in this assessment correctly. You must answer the questions by typing your answers in Microsoft Word and converting it into a pdf. Please include the following details in the header section of each page of your assessment document: o Student Name and ID o Course Code and title o Unit Code and title o Trainer and assessor name o Page numbers You are required to submit your assessment on the LMS (Moodle). No submissions will be accepted via emails. ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 11 of 36
ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 12 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 Assessment Task 1– Knowledge Questions Please answer the following questions. Questions Provide answers to all of the questions below: 1. Describe a general business analysis process. In your answer include: a definition of business analysis in an ICT environment steps that outline the business analysis process examples of business analysis deliverables. . Answer : In an ICT (Information and Communication Technology) environment, business 1analysis refers to the process of identifying business needs and determining solutions to address those needs using technology. It involves understanding the current state of the organization, analyzing requirements, and recommending improvements to achieve business objectives. Some examples of business analysis deliverables include: Business Requirements Document (BRD): Provides a detailed description of the business needs and requirements. Functional Requirements Specification (FRS): Defines the functional capabilities and features that a system or solution should possess. Use Cases: Describes interactions between users and the system, outlining specific scenarios and actions. Lastly, the following steps outline a general business analysis process: a. Understand the business context b. Identify Business needs c. Gather requirements d. Analyze requirements e. Develop solutions f. Validate and verify g. Create business analysis deliverables 2. Complete the table outlining legislation, standards and organisational policies and procedures related to business analysis. ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 13 of 36
ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 Description Example (provide one) Legislation Laws and regulations that govern business analysis practices and activities. Example: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, which outlines the protection and processing of personal data in business analysis projects. Standards Industry-recognized guidelines and best practices that provide a framework for conducting effective business analysis. Example: BABOK® Guide (Business Analysis Body of Knowledge) published by the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), which outlines the knowledge areas, tasks, and techniques essential for business analysts. Policies and procedures Internal rules and guidelines established by an organization to ensure consistent and effective business analysis processes. Example: Change Management Policy, which defines the steps and approvals required to implement changes in business requirements or processes, ensuring proper analysis and documentation of impacts and risks. 3. List four tools often used in business analysis to identify and understand problems, needs or opportunities in a workplace. Answer: SWOT Analysis: SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This tool helps analyze the internal and external factors that can impact an organization. It identifies the strengths and weaknesses within the organization and examines the opportunities and threats present in the external environment. By evaluating these factors, organizations can gain insights into their current situation and identify areas for improvement or potential opportunities. PESTLE Analysis: PESTLE is an acronym for Political, Economic, Social, technological, Legal, and Environmental factors. This tool is used to assess the external macro-environmental factors that can influence a business or industry. By examining these factors, organizations can understand the potential opportunities or challenges arising from changes in the broader environment. Stakeholder Analysis: Stakeholder analysis is a technique used to identify and understand the interests, needs, and influence of various stakeholders involved in a project or organization. It helps analyze the impact of stakeholders on the business and enables the identification of key stakeholders who need to be engaged or managed effectively. By understanding the perspectives of different stakeholders, businesses can make informed decisions and address their concerns. Root Cause Analysis: Root cause analysis is a problem-solving technique used to identify the underlying causes of issues or problems within an organization. It involves analyzing the symptoms, investigating potential causes, and digging deeper to identify the fundamental reasons behind the ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 14 of 36
ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 problem. By addressing the root causes, businesses can implement effective solutions that prevent the problem from recurring. These are just a few examples of tools commonly used in business analysis. There are many other techniques and frameworks available, and the choice of tools depends on the specific needs and requirements of the analysis. 4. Describe a general project management process. In your answer include: a definition of project management in an ICT environment steps that outline the project management process Answer: 5. Summarise two project management techniques that are often associated with an ICT environment. Use the table below for your answer. An example has been provided for you in the first row. Technique Description Waterfall This method builds on the classic method and is suitable for more complex projects. It focuses on the sequential performance of tasks. Gantt charts are often used. .Work breakdown structure (WBS) WBS is used more as a tool than technique. It helps understand all the tasks and resources that adds up to produce the final deliverable. It starts from the final deliverable subjected by the project. Then brief the team about the task and team will later need to finalize the project. Critical Path Method (CPM) Critical path method is used as a management technique to accurately schedule project activities. This procedure requires project manager to trace down the shortest route to the project completion. To get a time estimation, CPM and PERT can be combined to form these three important points: 1. Shortest amount of time 2. Realistic amount of time 3. The longest amount of time ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 15 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 6. Complete the table explaining the types of risk that may be associated with a business analysis initiative and its stakeholders. For each type of risk, you are required to provide an ICT relevant example. The first row has been completed as an example for you to follow. Type of risk Description Example Strategic risk These risks can occur at any time and are related to the business or organisation’s strategy. Initiate process automation throughout the organisation at the expense of personal client relationships and interaction. Compliance risk Compliance risk is criminal exposure to litigious, financial and laws and regulations Unpaid fines or crossing legal boundaries. Not making breakeven. Financial risk Financial risks are possible threats of losing money in a business or investment venture. Higher expenses, large breakdown of equipments. Operational risk The risk of loss due to ineffective or failed internal procedures, Human resource, systems or equipment breakdowns in a ICT environment. Resources leaving job, or error in hypothesis. 7. Explain three strategies that may be used to mitigate and manage risks associated with a business analysis initiative. You answer should include: an explanation of the mitigation strategy Prevent the risk : By limiting or restricting employees to enter social media websites or malicious websites. To prevent risk, a risk mitigation planning can be done. Also assuming and accepting risk can be an ideal approach to negotiate with upcoming risks. It requires collaboration between team members to identify and assume the vulnerabilities that risks may present. appropriate example to illustrate the strategy. 8. Complete the table below, outlining a general stakeholder management process. Step Description of what the step involves Tools/techniques (provide two per step) Identify stakeholders Review stakeholders and try to understand the impact on the operations. one of the tool used for stakeholder analysis is the power interest grid. This ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 16 of 36
ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 Step Description of what the step involves Tools/techniques (provide two per step) tool helps distinguish stakeholders based on their level of power. Classify stakeholders When stakeholders are categorized and put into sections according to their impact on the project, it makes the planning look very clear and the vision can be seen easily. Stakeholder engagement matrix Develop stakeholder management strategy Stakeholder management is the procedure of identifying, analysing, involving and dealing with stakeholders to achieve the companies goal. Totango, Stakeholder mapping, Darzin. Plan communication Plan communication specifies how key information will be transferred in-between stakeholders throughout the project without any error. Documents that has been discussed prior to the project. It contains code of conduct and written copy of dos and donts in a project. Execute communication It basically means to brainstorm and carryout a communication strategy. It comes with four components and they are encoding, medium of transmission, decoding and feedback. Meeting within the stakeholders and managers of the projects ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 17 of 36
ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 9. List three communication constraints that may impact stakeholders. One of the cases is, information overload. Too much information or for an example, over planning is one of the issue. Costing too much time in a project for a minimum outcome can put the project on its backfoot. Another issue is, disengagement 10. Summarise requirements management as it relates to business analysis. In your answer include: an explanation of what requirements analysis is outline of how requirements can be managed a description of four types of requirements tools or techniques relevant to requirements management. 11. Define “technology solution patterns”. 12. List four metrics that can be used when monitoring business analysis performance. ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 18 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 Knowledge Questions Answers What to submit: Answers to all questions References ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 19 of 36
ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 Assessment Task 1: Checklist Student’s name: Did the student provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for the following? Completed successfully? Comments Yes No Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 Question 7 Question 8 Question 9 Question 10 Question 11 Question 12 Task outcome: Satisfactory Not satisfactory Assessor signature: Assessor name: Date: ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 20 of 36
ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 Assessment 2 – Coversheet Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work. Student and Submission Details Student Name Student ID Unit Code and Name ICTSAD609 - Plan and monitor business analysis activities in an ICT environment Date of submission 00/00/0000 STUDENT DECLARATION I declare that a. This assessment is my own work. b. None of this work has been completed by any other person. c. I have not cheated or plagiarized the work or colluded with any other student/s. d. I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks. e. I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me. Student Signature: Assessor to complete Assessment 2 Assessment Result Date Type Of Submission Assessment 2 (Project Portfolio) □ C (Competent) □ NYC (Not Yet Competent) □NA (Not Assessed) 00/00/0000 First submission First re-submission Second re-submission Assessor feedback Assessor Name Assessor Signature: ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 21 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 Assessment 2 – Workplace Project Assessment This assessment meets the following Performance criteria Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Not Present 1. Plan business analysis approach 1.1 Identify business analysis initiative and establish applicable organisational process needs and objectives 1.2 Review organisational and legislative requirements, including standards, guidelines and processes applicable to initiative 1.3 Define process requirements of business analysis initiative, according to organisational requirements 1.4 Tailor approach to needs of specific business analysis initiative, according to organisational standards 1.5 Engage with required personnel and determine how work will be completed 1.6 Plan execution of business analysis activities according to organisational requirements 2. Conduct stakeholder analysis 2.1 Identify stakeholders who may be affected by business need or new solution 2.2 Assess stakeholder attitudes toward and influence over initiative 2.3 Decide which stakeholders will have authority over business analysis activities 2.4 Instigate regular reviews and identify new stakeholders and changed positions as business needs evolve 3. Plan business analysis activities and communicati on 3.1 Discuss and establish type of project or initiative and business analysis deliverables 3.2 Determine scope of work in business analysis activities 3.3 Establish and approve which activities the business ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 22 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 analyst will perform and when 3.4 Develop estimates for business analysis work 3.5 Determine methods to receive, distribute, access, update and escalate information from project stakeholders 3.6 Decide how best to communicate with each stakeholder according to stakeholder needs and constraints to communication 4. Plan requirements management process 4.1 Establish a requirements repository for storing requirements, including those under development, under review, and approved requirements 4.2 Assess need and process for requirements traceability based on applicable factors 4.3 Conclude which requirements attributes will be captured 4.4 Determine requirements change management process 5. Manage business analysis performance 5.1 Determine which metrics will be used when measuring work performed by business analyst 5.2 Report performance in required format according to project needs 5.3 Assess performance measures and determine where problems may be occurring in executing business analysis activities 5.4 Identify and recommend preventative or corrective actions as required 5.5 Confirm and review business analysis performance and recommended actions with required personnel This assessment meets the following Performance Evidence Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Not Present ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 23 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 determine business analysis deliverables, tasks and estimates plan business analysis communications comply with organisational and legislative requirements. This assessment meets the following Foundation Skills: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Not Present Numeracy Performs mathematical calculations and analyses financial information, costs and values when determining estimates Oral communication Determines and confirms stakeholder requirements, using collaborative techniques, including active listening and questioning Selects and implements communications systems, processes and practices with internal and external stakeholders to communicate information and build rapport Reading Critically analyses complex documentation from a variety of sources and consolidates information applicable to specific criteria when determining requirements Writing Prepares documentation expressing ideas, exploring complex issues using succinct language and logical structure Planning and organising Plans strategic priorities and outcomes within a flexible, efficient and effective context, in a diverse environment exposed to competing demands Problem solving Identifies key factors impacting decisions and their outcomes, drawing on experience, competing priorities and decision-making strategies where applicable Self- management Works autonomously, making high-level decisions to achieve and improve organisational goals Takes a lead role in development of organisational goals, roles and responsibilities Gathers and analyses data and seeks feedback ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 24 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 Assessment 2 – Project Portfolio Information for students In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a number of activities and completing and submitting a project portfolio. ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 25 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 You will need access to: a suitable place to complete activities that replicates a business environment including a meeting space and computer and internet access your learning resources and other information for reference Project Portfolio template Performance evaluation template. Ensure that you: review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the IT Works Student User Guide comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines answer all questions completely and correctly submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced submit a completed cover sheet with your work avoid sharing your answers with other students. i Assessment information Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the IT Works Student User Guide .Refer to the appendix for information on: where this task should be completed how your assessment should be submitted. Note : You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that. ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 26 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 Activities Complete the following activities: 1. Carefully read the following: This project requires you to demonstrate your ability to plan and monitor two business analysis activities for business-critical projects in an ICT environment. As part of the assessment you will: identify and define two business analysis initiatives applicable to business- critical ICT projects plan an approach to business analysis for each initiative considering requirements laid out in legislation, standards and organisational policies and procedures conduct a stakeholder analysis to identify and assess stakeholders associated with each initiative plan business analysis activities including the scope and project management of work to be done and stakeholder communication plan the requirements management associated with each initiative establish and manage business analysis performance. This project must be based on two separate business analysis initiatives related to an ICT environment with numeric and financial data available to support business analysis planning. You can use the case study business provided to you by your assessor, or you may like to base this on your own business, or a business you are currently working for or are familiar with. It is important that this business has organisational policies and procedures related to your business analysis initiative already developed. Speak to your assessor to get approval if you want to base this on your own business or one you work for. You will also need to seek input from people who work for, or are involved, in this business analysis initiative several times. Fellow students or your assessor can be involved in these meetings and play the roles of process stakeholders as relevant. You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio . The steps you need to take are outlined below. 2. Project planning Familiarise yourself with the business you’re basing this assessment on and identify two business analysis initiatives applicable to a business-critical ICT project in the business or case study. Make sure your chosen initiatives have numeric and financial data to support business analysis planning. Complete Page 4 of your Project Portfolio for this unit. Read through the requirements of Section 1, 2 and 3 of your Project Portfolio a s ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 27 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 well as the necessary background information, relevant policies and procedures. 3. Plan business analysis approach Complete Section 1 of your Project Portfolio . When you complete Section 1, you need to: Provide an overview of your chosen business, including: o The name of the business o a description of what the business does Describe the ICT business analysis initiatives associated with the business, including: o a brief outline of each initiative, illustrated with an appropriate business analysis tool (for example SWAT analysis) o an explanation of how each initiative supports the organisation’s vision and strategy o two objectives of each initiative. Establish the legislative and organisational requirements related to each business analysis initiative, including: o a summary of the relevant legislation outlining how it applies to the initiative o a summary of applicable standards outlining how it applies to business analysis activities o a summary of the associated organisational policies and procedures outlining how it applies to business analysis activities. Identify all stakeholders (using an appropriate technique) for each initiative and: o create a list of key internal and external stakeholders who have authority over business analysis activities o explain how to identify and deal with new stakeholders throughout the duration of each initiative. Establish applicable organisational process needs, including: o relevant personnel (engagement with staff members on how work should be done) o a description of an appropriate project management method or technique plan the execution of business analysis activities for each initiative according to organisational requirements. You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 1 of the Project ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 28 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission. Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 1. Submit to your assessor for review. Arrange a meeting with at least one key internal stakeholder and one key external stakeholder. Separate meetings are required for each business analysis initiative.For the purpose of this role-play, your assessor or another student can act as a one or more stakeholders. Before each meeting, select and familiarise yourself with an applicable business analysis tool (e.g. context diagram) to use as part of the meeting to understand stakeholder requirements. i For the purpose of this role-play, your assessor or another student can act as a one or more stakeholders. 4. Stakeholder meetings Meet with the key internal and external stakeholders of each initiative. Have separate meetings for each initiative. Take notes so you can complete Section 2 of your Project Portfolio after the meeting. Each meeting should last for approximately 15 mins. At the meeting: assess stakeholder attitudes toward the initiative identify at least two potential risks associated with the stakeholders discuss and establish business analysis deliverables (at least three), including: o descriptions of the deliverables o tasks/activities associated with each deliverable o approval of which activities will be performed and when o stakeholder requirements using the technique selected in step 3. During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including: seeking the views and opinions of others by active listening and questioning communicating information clearly and concisely building rapport with stakeholders by positive friendly interaction. i This meeting can either be viewed in person by your assessor or you may like to video record the session for your assessor to watch later. Your assessor can provide you with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions above and meet the timeframes allocated. 5. Plan business analysis activities and communication ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 29 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 Complete Section 2 of your Project Portfolio . When you complete Section 2, you need to: Summarise the outcomes of each stakeholder meeting, including: o stakeholder attitudes towards the initiative (including competing demands) o at least two risks associated with the stakeholders o risk mitigation approach o at a detailed description of at least three business analysis deliverables o stakeholder requirements Determine business scope for each initiative considering deliverables, associated activities and general stakeholder requirements. Explain how you addressed competing demands. Develop estimates for business analysis work applicable to each initiative, using numeric and financial information and an appropriate tool/technique for mathematical calculations. For each stakeholder, plan internal and external stakeholder communication to receive, distribute, access, update and escalate information. Consider at least two communication constraints. Establish business analysis performance metrics to measure work performed by the business analyst. Identify an appropriate format. Establish a requirements repository for requirements under development, under review and approved.Include: o a description of the repository o attributes to be captured o identify key factors outlining the need and process for traceability o a requirements change process. You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 2 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission. i Assume that a period of time has passed and the business analysis initiative has progressed. A few deliverables have been completed by the business analyst and you are required to assess their performance as part of a continuous improvement effort. Feedback from stakeholders regarding the business analyst’s deliverable has been positive. The stakeholders have been particularly impressed with the attention to detail in the business analyst’s work. A number of stakeholders commented on the interpersonal skills of the business analyst, in particular their ability to build rapport and establish a friendly professional relationship with the stakeholders. ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 30 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 Implement your chosen communication system/process or practice (completed earlier in this step) to arrange two separate meetings(for each initiative) with: at least one stakeholder to discuss progress business analyst to discuss work performance. Before eachstakeholdermeeting, update the project schedule to reflect progress to share with stakeholders (you can make assumptions here). Before each business analyst meeting, assess their performance using the metrics determined earlier in this step (use performance evaluation template if applicable). 6. Stakeholder update meeting Meet separately with the relevant stakeholders of each business analysis initiative. Take notes so you can complete Section 3 of your Project Portfolio after the meeting. The meeting should last for approximately 10 minutes. At the meeting: share an update on the progress (e.g. via a project schedule) review and discuss the project progression discuss any changed positions or requirements the stakeholders may have identify any new stakeholders During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including: seeking the views and opinions of others by active listening and questioning communicating information clearly and concisely building rapport with stakeholders by positive friendly interaction. i This meeting can either be viewed in person by your assessor or you may like to video record the session for your assessor to watch later. Your assessor can provide you with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions above and meet the timeframes allocated. 7. Performance management meeting Meet with the business analyst. Take notes so you can complete Section 3 of your Project Portfolio after the meeting. The meeting should last for approximately 10 minutes. At the meeting: discuss the business analyst’s performance on each business analysis initiative (share the performance evaluation you prepared at the end of step 5 ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 31 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 against the metrics established as part of your planning in step 5) identify where problems may be occurring recommended corrective action During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including: seeking the views and opinions of others by active listening and questioning communicating information clearly and concisely building rapport with stakeholders by positive friendly interaction. i This meeting can either be viewed in person by your assessor or you may like to video record the session for your assessor to watch later. Your assessor can provide you with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions above and meet the timeframes allocated. 8. Manage business analysis Complete Sections 3 of your Project Portfolio . When you complete Section 3 you need to: Summarise the outcomes of your meeting with the stakeholders for each business analysis meeting, including: o a description of any changed positions or requirements the stakeholder may have o a list of any new stakeholders o an explanation of how the changes will be managed. Summarise the outcomes of your meeting with the business analyst Confirm recommendations for corrective action (e.g. via draft email) Explain how you managed problem solving for business analysis activities drawing on your existing experience. You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the documents you need to attach as outlined in your in Section 3 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission. 9. Submit your completed Project Portfolio Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio , answered all questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and grammar as necessary. Remember to submit all necessary attachments as indicated. Submit to your assessor for marking. ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 32 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 Assessment Task 2: Checklist Student’s name: Did the student: Completed successfully? Comments Yes No Plan the business analysis approach, by Providing an overview of their chosen business, including: o the name of the business o a description of what the business does. Describe the ICT business analysis initiative associated with the business, including: o a brief outline of two initiatives, illustrated with an appropriate business analysis tool o an explanation of how each initiative supports the organisation’s vision and strategy o two objectives of each initiative. Establish the legislative and organisational requirements related to each business analysis initiative, including: o a summary of the relevant legislation outlining how it applies to the initiative o a summary of applicable standards outlining how it applies to business analysis activities o a summary of the associated organisational policies and procedures outlining how it applies to business analysis activities. Identify all stakeholders (using an ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 33 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 appropriate technique) for each initiative and: o create a list of key internal and external stakeholders who have authority over business analysis activities o explain how to identify and deal with new stakeholders throughout the duration of the initiative. Establish applicable organisational process needs, including: o relevant personnel o engagement with staff members on how work should be done o a description of an appropriate project management method or technique. Plan the execution of business analysis activities according to organisational requirements. Plan business analysis activities and communication for each initiative, by: Summarising the outcomes of the stakeholder meetings, including: o stakeholder attitudes towards the initiative (including competing demands) o at least two risks associated with the stakeholders o risk mitigation approach o at a detailed description of at least three business analysis deliverables o stakeholder requirements Determining business analysis scope for each initiative considering deliverables, associated activities and general stakeholder ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 34 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 requirements. Explaining how they addressed competing demands. Developing estimates for business analysis work, using numeric and financial information and an appropriate tool/technique for mathematical calculations. Planning internal and external stakeholder communication to receive, distribute, access, update and escalate information. Considering at least two communication constraints. Establishing business analysis performance metrics to measure work performed by the business analyst. Identify an appropriate format. Establishing a requirements repository for requirements under development, under review and approved,including: o a description of the repository o attributes to be captured o outline of the need and process for traceability o requirements change process Preparing for a stakeholder update meeting for each initiative. Preparing for performance evaluation meeting. Manage business analysis by: Summarising the outcomes of their meetings with the stakeholders of each initiative, including: o a description of any changed positions or requirements the stakeholder may have ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 35 of 36
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ASSESSMENT BOOKLET – ICTSAD609 o a list of any new stakeholders o an explanation of how the changes will be managed. Summarising the outcomes of their meeting with the business analyst. Confirming recommendations for corrective action (e.g. via draft email). Explaining how they managed problem solving for business analysis activities drawing on their existing experience. Demonstrate effective communication skills including: seeking the views and opinions of others by active listening and questioning communicating information clearly and concisely building rapport with internal and external stakeholders by positive friendly interaction. Task outcome: Satisfactory Not satisfactory Assessor signature: Assessor name: Date: ANITAustraliaPtyLtdT/AAlbrightInstituteofBusinessandLanguage RTO#:45041 CRICOS#:03553J www.albrightinstitute.edu.au HeadOfficeAddress:Level2,4&8,341- 345QueenStreet,MelbourneVIC3000 Tel:1300189154 Campusesat:Sydney,Brisbane,Adelaide TRG-DOC-09Assessment Booklet –ICTSAD609| Version: 1.1| Last Reviewed: July 2022 | Next review Date: As required | Page 36 of 36
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