What command can be used to show an active TELNET connection? telnet
What is the command that can be used to display files on a remote system when an administrator is connected via a TELNET session? dir
How can you create a file on a remote system during a TELNET session? Echo what ever you want in the file > filename.txt
What command can be used to determine if a remote system is running TELNET?
What port does Secure Shell use? Port 22
Is there a native SSH client or server on Microsoft Windows system? no
What is the file in Linux that contains the password hash? shadow file
What are two methods that can be used for creating a file during a remote secure shell (SSH) connection within Linux?
VI Editor #echo this_is_one > netlab04.txt Type frame contains PuTTY in the Wireshark filter pane and click Apply. Determine which version of PuTTY is in use. 0.61
If you type frame contains shadow in the Wireshark filter pane, why are there no results that show the root account viewed the shadow file remotely?
The shadow file is hidden
Name a user account that was displayed in the clear text traffic. administrator
Name the file that was created, and then hidden