PS C:\Users\Administrator> Invoke-Pester C:\Scripts\PA3-RemoteManagement.test.psl -Output Detailed Start! Disco! . Security warning ) N . i e i i Run only scripts that you trust. While scripts from the internet can be useful, this script can potentially harm your computer. If you trust th Unblock-File cmdlet to allow the script to run without this warning message. Do you want to run C:\SCfipts\ [D] Do not run [R] Run once [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "D"): R ) Type your studentid and then hit enter: corada5995 ) ) N PA3-Remote Management ) 'Adams -VM-Host - 042 75 3065- 9m-ou. 3 2022 10:02 Fou Dis un| Describing Performance Assessment: Rzmte Manageme Context GE3 Initial Startup a ELL] cliont :|o:|.md to Verifying GE3 TCP/IP 6379330338039“ A4 3.1s (3.1s|éms) ontext Client cc igur Verifying Windows update 637933033834571207 i Verifying Admin accoun CEYEEE R LY T ok Verifying w:.ndows updarte 3 7933933835821 26 R ontext GE3 - F Verifying GE3 - Remo te Col ,ffu ~ation 6 79339338%5759 i g Collector se Verifying GES - Data ollector (2€ 6379330338384776 637933033838477656 637933033839571065 B59B1042-E758- 3065 -9 5EMBBBIDDSBiBGGBzFFBF6284A45EE89C2133568 D9716:! . .\Scr':LPts\PAB RemoteManageme . 'I:@ completed in 23.03s EEEY=Te R DA o= B =T EO TR sers\Administrator>