Choose a regulation related to EPA emergency services and suggest a change in the statute
(including deletion) that could make it more effective. Explain your suggestion.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) intends to safeguard the environment from
hazardous materials/ The EPA works under the United States government. The agency oversees
laws that were created and implemented for environmental protection. The organization provides
improvements to the environment as well as safety. The EPA manages the efforts to ensure the
air, rivers, and the environment remain clear of pollutants. This agency can establish safeguards
and processes for prevention and corrective actions for contaminants. The agency can declare
rules and regulations on pollution. The organization can create standards and explain statutes that
are applied to situations. The agency also has procedures to make the rules are followed. The
limitations set by the EPA are intended to make the earth a better place to live and stop it from
being polluted by things that are harmful to the ecosystem. The EPA has regulations for the air.
The agency should push for more electric cars to cut emissions. They could give government
vouchers to cut the cost of these vehicles. They should hold information sessions for the puvlic to
inform them about using less harmful resources to the environment.
United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2023, March 30). Regulatory and Guidance
Information by Topic: Emergency Management.