CS5285: Information Security for eCommerce
Autumn, 2023
Tutorial 6, Week 9 (3 November)
Question 1
What is the main issue with the following protocol and how would we fix it? Would the issue still be
there if message 2 was Sig_A(N)?
1: A < B: RB
2: A > B: E_K(RB)
Question 2
Could N be any type of nonce in this protocol?
1: A < B: E_K(N,A)
2: A > B: N
Question 3
Design a unilateral authentication protocols using
a) A timestamp and an encryption mechanism
b) A timestamp and a MAC mechanism
c) What is the practical difference in how we send the timestamp between a) and b)?
Question 4
You are asked to design an authentication protocol whereby a web client can authenticate servers he
wishes to visit. You must make the following decisions and design the most practical protocol
- Time stamp or nonce?
- Symmetric or asymmetric mechanism?
To make your decision think about: How many clients and servers? What can we assume about clients?
Question 5
You are asked to design an authentication protocol whereby a client can log onto online banking.
You are asked to do so for two banks - both banks gives the client a secure hardware device that can
generate a response.
a) Bank 1 device has a single button, and response is generated upon press of button.
b) Bank 2 has a small 10-digit numeric keypad, and also a button to press for response generation?