The map that I created is of a corner of a subdivision in a
neighborhood in my community. It highlights an area that is
poorly maintained by the city and becomes a fire hazard in the
summer months. I live in San Antonio, Tx and as you know
southern Texas tends to be very hot and very dry during the
summer months. This small lot is supposed to be maintained
by the city, but for the most part is severely neglected in its
upkeep. The grass gets to be around a foot tall and is mostly
dead, there is also heavy foot traffic through the lot as the
residence of the subdivision use it as a short cut while
walking, some residents even use the area as a place to
smoke and throw cigarettes butts. The lot is bordered by
residential housing that is closely packed together and dead
trees and brush that would add fuel if a fire were to occur.
This lot actually caught fire last summer, caused by
unmanaged brush and a lit cigarette. The fire resulted in a
block being evacuated and some minor property damage
before the fire could be put out.
I used Google MyMaps to create the map of the fire hazard. I
would say that Google Maps makes it easy to create maps
because everything is pretty intuitive to use. I can see using
this in the career field of emergency management by being
able to create visuals to help with presenting data on hazards
in surrounding areas.