Unit 2 Assignment –Activity-Based Costing



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Dec 6, 2023





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BU610-8, 2233B18 Assignments Unit 2 Assignment –Ac ! vity-Based Co… ! Immersive Reader Total Points: 100 Unit 2 Assignment –Ac ! vity-Based Cos ! ng Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 100 Submi ! ng a text entry box or a file upload BU610 Unit 2 Assignment –Ac " vity-Based Cos " ng Criteria Ra " ngs Pts 15 pts 20 pts 20 pts 20 pts 15 pts 10 pts Start Assignment Instruc ! ons All informa ! on required for this assignment is provided in the Unit 2 Student Workbook [Excel] for this unit. Read the Chandler Corpora ! on [PDF] case study and complete the following requirements. Quan " ta " ve Analysis: Chandler Corpora ! on is currently producing several products, including both custom and standard designs. It has received requests for two new products: swimming pool shades and landscape trellises. It is considering whether to produce either or both of these products. Based on the projec ! ons in Exhibits 1 to 3 describing the current capacity and required capacity needs for the new products, complete the following requirements: a. Using ABC, compute the Predetermined Overhead Rate for each ac ! vity. b. Compute the cost of unused capacity for each ac ! vity and in total. c. Compute the TOTAL and UNIT cost of making the full demand of pool shades assuming that Chandler bases its rates on the predetermined overhead rate. d. Compute the TOTAL and UNIT cost of making the full demand of trelli, assuming that Chandler bases its rates on the predetermined overhead rate. e. Compute the TOTAL and UNIT cost of making the full demand of pool shades assuming that Chandler bases its rates on EXPECTED capacity (used capacity plus required capacity for the full demand of pool shades). f. Compute the total and unit cost of making the full demand of trellises assuming that Chandler bases its rates on EXPECTED capacity (used capacity plus required capacity for the full demand of trellises). Qualita " ve Analysis: In a 2-3 page report, based on your quan ! ta ! ve analysis, discuss the results of what your quan ! ta ! ve analysis means for Chandler. When considering a decision to make the new products, would costs computed using prac ! cal capacity (c and d) or expected capacity (e and f) as the denominator provide be " er informa ! on to Chandler’s management? Explain your answer. Support your recommenda ! on with a minimum of 3 academic resources. Deliverables Quan ! ta ! ve Analysis (Excel Required): You are required to use the provided Excel workbook to complete the quan ! ta ! ve analysis for this assignment. Qualita ! ve Analysis (Word Required): Prepare a 2-3 page summary addressing the required qualita ! ve analysis, as noted in the Student Workbook. Your paper is required to be forma " ed according to APA requirements. Be sure to incorporate key concepts from this unit's readings and properly cite your references according to APA requirements. Do NOT embed the results of your quan ! ta ! ve analysis in your Word document. You should only reference parts of your quan ! ta ! ve analysis in your wri " en analysis. Your wri " en responses to the qualita ! ve prompts should not be presented in a ques ! on and answer format. Es ! mated ! me to complete: 3-5 hours Assignment Resource(s) BU610 Unit 2 Student Workbook Chandler Corpora ! on [PDF] Content & Concepts 15 pts Level 5 Ideas and concepts are consistently clear and always well explained. Rela ! onships between concepts and ideas are always discussed fairly and always synthesized in a logical fashion with strong, well-founded suppor ! ng arguments. All discussion and arguments are thoroughly supported with research and/or resource materials that are per ! nent, valid, and reliable. 13.5 pts Level 4 Ideas and concepts are clear and well explained. Rela ! onships between concepts and ideas are discussed fairly and synthesized in a logical fashion with well-founded suppor ! ng arguments. Discussion and arguments are supported with research and/or resource materials that are per ! nent, valid, and reliable 12 pts Level 3 Ideas and concepts are reasonably well explained. Discussion and arguments are, for the most part, supported with research and/or resource materials that are per ! nent, valid, and reliable rela ! onships between concepts, and ideas are discussed. These could be further strengthened with addi ! onal research or resource materials. 10.5 pts Level 2 Basic ideas and concepts are presented; however, they are under- developed and poorly explained. There is minimal evidence of a rela ! onship between ideas and concepts. Discussion and arguments are not supported with addi ! onal research or research that is per ! nent and valid. 9 pts Level 1 Some basic ideas and concepts are started, but not developed. There is no iden ! fiable rela ! onship between ideas and concepts. There is li " le or no discussion and/or argument with suppor ! ng research. 0 pts Level 0 There are no developed ideas or concepts. There is no suppor ! ng research. Quan ! ta ! ve Analysis 20 pts Level 5 The quan ! ta ! ve reasoning is correct and all necessary analysis is done. 18 pts Level 4 The quan ! ta ! ve reasoning is correct and necessary analysis is done. 16 pts Level 3 Most of the analysis is sound, but at least one substan ! ve omission or error; or several minor errors. 14 pts Level 2 Most of the analysis is sound, but there is substan ! ve omission or error; or several minor errors. 12 pts Level 1 Incorrect or incomplete analysis quan ! ta ! ve indicators. 0 pts Level 0 Lists evidence, but it is not organized and/ or is unrelated to focus. Qualita ! ve Analysis 20 pts Level 5 The qualita ! ve reasoning is correct and all necessary analysis is done. 18 pts Level 4 The qualita ! ve reasoning is correct and necessary analysis is done. 16 pts Level 3 Most of the analysis is sound, but at least one substan ! ve omission or error; or several minor errors. 14 pts Level 2 Most of the analysis is sound, but there is substan ! ve omission or error; or several minor errors. 12 pts Level 1 Incorrect or incomplete analysis qualita ! ve indicators. 0 pts Level 0 Lists evidence, but it is not organized and/ or is unrelated to focus. Recommenda ! on 20 pts Level 5 Recommenda ! on is insigh # ul and logically follows from evidence presented. 18 pts Level 4 Recommenda ! on logically follows from evidence presented. 16 pts Level 3 Recommenda ! on follows from presented evidence; however it is not complete or contains several errors of logic. 14 pts Level 2 Recommenda ! on somewhat follows from presented evidence; however it is not complete or contains several errors of logic. 12 pts Level 1 Incomplete and incorrect recommenda ! on that may not follow from presented evidence. 0 pts Level 0 No a " empt was made to recommend a solu ! on. Wri ! ng Conven ! ons 15 pts Level 5 The paper exhibits a superior command of wri " en English language conven ! ons. The paper has no errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling. 13.5 pts Level 4 The paper exhibits a strong command of wri " en English language conven ! ons. The paper has no errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that impair the flow of communica ! on. 12 pts Level 3 The paper exhibits command of wri " en English language conven ! ons. The paper has minor errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that impact the flow of communica ! on. 10.5 pts Level 2 The paper exhibits a limited command of wri " en English language conven ! ons. The paper has frequent errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that impede the flow of communica ! on. 9 pts Level 1 The paper exhibits li " le command of wri " en English language conven ! ons. The paper has errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that cause the reader to stop and reread parts of the wri ! ng to discern meaning. 0 pts Level 0 The paper does not demonstrate command of wri " en English language conven ! ons. The paper has mul ! ple errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that cause the reader di culty discerning the meaning. APA PRICE-I 10 pts Level 5 The required APA elements are all included with correct forma % ng, including in- text cita ! ons and references. 9 pts Level 4 The required APA elements are all included with minor forma % ng errors, including in- text cita ! ons and references. 8 pts Level 3 The required APA elements are all included with mul ! ple forma % ng errors, including in- text cita ! ons and references. 7 pts Level 2 The required APA elements are not all included. AND/OR there are major forma % ng errors, including in-text cita ! ons and references. 6 pts Level 1 Several APA elements are missing. The errors in forma % ng demonstrate limited understanding of APA guidelines, in- text-cita ! ons, and references. 0 pts Level 0 There is li " le to no evidence of APA forma % ng. AND/OR there are no in-text cita ! ons AND/OR references. " Previous Next # 3 Home Syllabus Announcements Modules Discussions Grades People Chat
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