TME 6213 - Quality Management
Fall 2023
Assignment #4
Due: October 28, 2023 at 11:59 PM ADT
*25% deduction from total score for a late submission within 24 hours, followed by a
subsequent 10% for each additional day.
Complete a Strategy Map for Delamere Vineyard, as a continuation of Assignment #3.
Total Points: 4
Correct identification of an improvement path (4)
Dock 1 point for multiple paths chosen
Dock 1 point for no explanation or written component included with the map
Complete a Change Agenda for Delamere Vineyard.
Total Points: 10
Change agenda is complete and is a clear continuation of the strategy map and SWOT
exercises (5)
Dock 1 point for each row of the change agenda that does not align with the
strategy map included above
Quality of descriptions in the From, To and How buckets (3)
Explanation of change agenda decisions are included (2)
Complete a SOMIP for Delamere Vineyard.
Total Points: 6
SOMIP is complete and is a clear continuation of the change agenda
Dock 1 point for each row of the SOMIP that does not align with the change
agenda/strategy map
Dock 2 point if the chosen 90 day plan does not address some of the discussion
from their previous SWOT analysis (ie., they’ve chosen something for
improvement that is not identified as a problem or opportunity in the choice
There are adequate measures in the Measure bucket
some quantifiable metrics
where appropriate (1)
A clear 90 day path is presented or summarized and does not contain actions in all of
the “Ps” of the SOMIP