Week 5 Lab Assignment Procedure – Environmental Analysis
Visit the Real-time Air Quality Index :
Choose 3 cities from the world map (Where you live, rural location, urban
Insert the city names you choose in the chart below. Record the number of
the current air quality.
City, Country
Air Quality Number
Where you live
Virginia Beach, VA
Rural location
Mcadory, AL
Urban location
Brooklyn, NY
Once you have collected your data from the website, choose the city from
your list with the worst air quality rating. Click on that city and look at how the
air quality ratings have varied throughout the year. Why do you think it has
varied throughout the year? What contributes to the poor air quality in that
area? Have there been any incidents in the news regarding this city and
pollution? Please type your paragraph below this question.
I think that because of the extensive military operations that take place here, the
air quality in this area has changed throughout the year. There are several
military bases in this region of Virginia, and during more active military operations
there is a lot of additional carbon producing activity. Additionally with the military
comes military families that come every year. Summer is typically a busier time
here as well with the beaches that we offer. The tourist season seems to pick up
with emissions from all the vacationers. Other than that, there haven't been any
significant problems that have altered the air quality more than usual.