MARK 301: Individual Assignment
Using the
Fashion Channel
case (from the HBS Coursepack) as the basis of this assignment, you will
demonstrate your familiarity with two more steps in the 5-step problem-solving/decision-making
methodology. Specifically, you will complete steps 3 and 4, “
Evaluation of Alternatives
,” and,
Recommendation and Rationale
Submit your response through Moodle
in PDF format
Review the relevant portions of the Powerpoint slide set related to our 5-Step Methodology for
Problem-Solving and Decision-Making before beginning the assignment, and ensure that your
work reflects the instructions for Evaluation of Alternatives as well as “Recommendation and Buy
The assignment consists of three (3) sections:
Section 1:
An exhaustive listing (presented in point form) of all of the positives and
negatives associated with each of the major alternatives in this situation (NB: There are
at least three (3) and at most four (4)
major alternatives in this case).
(60 marks and no
word limit)
Section 2:
An identification and brief description of each of the 3 or 4 (maximum)
decision criteria you recommend be used in comparing the alternatives and arriving at
your final recommendation. Briefly support each selection.
(15 marks and 100 word
Section 3:
The actual recommendation with buy-in support that is built around those
decision criteria. Remember to be focused and efficient.
(25 marks and a word limit of
250 words)
The assignment is due in the first five minutes of class 8 on November
– all submissions should be made electronically through Moodle,
and be submitted in PDF format