PMPG 5001- Lecture 13 –
Time is Fleeting case
A retail discount store faced problems with employee check-in.
They had free standing time clocks (albeit very old and often needed repair), and
computer terminals at the cash registers that employees could use to clock in and
The head of Human Resources (HR) wanted to launch a project to purchase and
install new time clocks because he felt the old clocks could not be counted on for
accuracy of staff working hours, and so the store’s payroll was in question. He felt
the problem worsened as the clocks got older and less reliable.
The head of IT, instead, wanted to launch a different project to get rid of all time
clocks and make the employees use the computer terminals at the cash register
only. This would greatly decrease the costs the department was incurring to
maintain the time clocks.
The head of HR did not like this idea because
He knew employees would clock in for other employees.
He also knew some employees were not computer literate and
would have trouble clocking in and out.