HIS 100 Module Two Activity Template: Historical Research Question
This activity is your last chance to choose a topic. Topic changes may be based on your research
or instructor feedback. Then write a historical research question that addresses an aspect of
your finalized topic. Replace the bracketed text below with your responses.
Non-graded portion
List your historical research topic here:
“Globalization: Act Prohibiting the Importation of Slaves”.
Graded portion:
Write a clear, relevant, and focused research question about your finalized topic.
We know all there is to know when it comes to the benefits of the Importation of Slaves
and we also know the obvious reason of why it’s bad; its inhumane, slavery is bad, etc.
What we don’t know is even though there was an act prohibiting the importation of
foreign slaves in 1808, the enslaved population continued to grow and expand. How is
this possible?
Explain how another person’s beliefs, assumptions, and values may lead that person to create a
different question than you.
If another person’s beliefs, assumptions, and values were focused on the pros or
advantages of the importation of slaves may lead that person to create a different
question than my question because their mostly focused on the economically efficient
system of production that the slaves provided. “
Slavery was an
economically efficient
system of production
, adaptable to tasks ranging from agriculture to mining,
construction, and factory work. Furthermore, slavery was capable of producing
enormous amounts of wealth” (Historical Context: Was Slavery the Engine of American
Economic Growth? | Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, n.d.).
Historical Context: Was Slavery the Engine of American Economic Growth? | Gilder Lehrman Institute of
American History
. (n.d.). https://www.gilderlehrman.org/history-resources/teaching-