150 words, 2 replies, 1 citation
Helen, What you stated in the conversation about why Muslims aided the Germans during WWII was
really interesting to me. When the Germans conquered Russia's Caucasus region, there was street
dance. They praised a Nazi leader and saw the Germans as heroes. So to speak. The Germans and Hitler
did not have the same views on Muslims. Germans perceived Muslims to be inferior to them at the start
of World War II. They slaughtered a number of Muslims by mistake when they invaded the Soviet Union,
mistaking them for Jews. To summarize, Muslims and Germans worked together to aid Christians in the
extermination of Jews. Al-Husaini wished for the establishment of Nazi death camps in the Middle East,
as well as the training of Muslims to kill infidels.
Hitler's suggestion struck him as ingenious. Al-Husaini
intended to severely harm Jews and others who supported them. The narrative claims that al-Husaini's
strong views were enhanced by his awareness of the extermination camps, notwithstanding their
secrecy. Because he admired Hitler's mass executions, Al-Husaini advocated for Muslim control over
other communities.