NRSG 780: Health Promotion and Population Health
Paper Guidance and Grading Rubric for Part 1 and Part 2 The paper is divided into two parts. The first section focuses on the content from the
first half of the course and the second section focuses on content presented after the
midterm. Your paper should follow the rubric and the components should be labeled.
Part one (55 points) should include: Overview of the Problem, Review of
Epidemiological and Demographic Data and Social Justice Rationale for the Program.
Part two (45 points) should include: Goals and Objectives and Program Plan (and its
Grading Rubric Part 1:
Part 1 Due October 16, 2023 at 8:00 am
Abstract (only include information on Part 1)
5 points
Overview of the problem
10 points
Review of epidemiologic and demographic data (national, state
and local level):
risk factors
health disparities (demographic differences based on race, sex, age, location, income, etc.) 25 points
Social justice rationale for program
10 points
5 pages, APA, grammar, punctuation, spelling Appropriate referencing
5 points
Total 55