Which needs assessment option did you choose?
Option 2
The name of the organization and general description of their services. Include a link to their
website and/or other introductory materials.
Sick Kids is the name of the organization I chose. The services this organization provides are: child and
family-centered care, innovation in child health research, teaching next generation health-care
professionals, and most importantly worldwide activities to improve child health around the world. This
organization provides services for children, more specifically they have global programs to let other
children in the world have access to this healthcare and studies.
A brief description of the data and resources that are available through the organization for you to
use in your needs assessment.
There is a SickKids Institutions; Research Data Management Strategy document that I found. It includes
stakeholders and end-users defined, with data oversight.
A short plan of how you intend to gather data for your needs assessment.
The first step in conducting a needs assessment is determining who the stakeholders and end-users of the
organization are. Stakeholders are those who can affect or be affected by the organization’s actions, in this
case we can consider: doctors, board of the hospital, the children, and/or funders. End-users are members
of the community who access the services, in this case that would be the children and their family. To tie
it up we will also include what the organization does and the services or programs provided. Sick Kids
supports and delivers healthcare based on each child’s needs, participates in clinical research, teaches
next-generation doctors for improving systemic outcomes, and engages in initiatives around the world.