Locating both the medical power of attorney for health care advanced directives and
living will was easily accessible online. I utilized google and was directed to the
Texas Health and Human Services website. The Texas Health and Human Services
website was very user friendly in guiding me to the printable PDF file. Advance
directives gives the person you name as your agent the authority to make any and all
health care decisions for you in accordance with your wishes, including your religious
and moral beliefs, when you are no longer capable of making them yourself (2018).
In my opinion, this process was not difficult at all. After filling out both forms, I find it
very important for the older adult to have as it is a written expression of the patient's
needs and wants regarding care during a time when they are not able to make their
own decisions. It then serves as a guide for healthcare providers in the event that
the patient is unable to express his/her wishes or concerns. This provides a sense of
peace of mind for the individual filling out the forms, placing the patient at ease.