1.
(0.25
points)
How
many
calories
does
a
gram
of
fat
store
in
its
chemical
bonds?
2.
(0.25
points)
How
many
calories
does
a
gram
of
carbohydrate
or
protein
store
in
their
chemical
bonds?
The
following
figure
provides
information
on
the
number
of
calories
contained
in
popular
food
items
(orange)
based
on
the
amount
of
fat,
carbohydrates,
and
proteins
found
in
them.
The
figure
also
provides
information
on
how
many
calories
can
be
burnt
during
activities
(green).
We
know
that
the
weight
of
a
person
depends
on
how
much
food
they
eat
vs.
how
much
they
burn.
2.
(1
point)
Hannah
is
a
competitive
swimmer
who
goes
to
swim
practice
every
morning
for
two
hours.
Right
after
swim
practice,
Hannah
likes
to
have
a
peanut
butter
(2
tbs)
and
jelly
(1
tbs)
sandwich
with
two
slices
of
whole
wheat
bread.
Based
on
your
answers
to
questions
and
2,
how
many
calories
would
Hannah
get
in
from
her
peanut
butter
sandwich?
Show
your
work.
3.
(1
point)
Susan
(Hannah's
mom)
has
an
office
job
at
the
Federal
Credit
Union.
After
dropping
Hannah
off
to
swim
practice,
Susan
likes
to
go
for
a
walk
for
minutes
before
heading
to
the
office
because
she
has
to
sit
all
day
at
the
office!
Susan
eats
a
boiled
egg
with
one
slice
of
whole
wheat
bread
and
tbs
butter
for
breakfast.
Based
on
your
answers
to
questions
and
2,
how
many
calories
would
Susan
get
from
her
breakfast?
Show
your
work.
4.
(0.5
points)
The
Body
Mass
Index
is
calculated
based
on
a
person's
height
and
weight.
The
following
chart
provides
the
values
with
a
key
indicating
when
a
person
is
considered
underweight,
of
a
healthy
weight,
~ianaianinht
Alhaca
Ar
avirarmalvr
Alhaca
HAawiaviar
tha
vialiiae
~an
kha