Dawson College *
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Dec 6, 2023
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Dawson College-Physical Geology Name:______________________ Answer all the following questions. There is only one correct answer. Total 65 marks 1. Analysis of rocks from the moon and the earth suggest that; A. the moon was ejected from earth while it was still molten as earth was spinning B. The moon and earth have the same isotopic composition of the rocks in the mantle &± WKH PRRQ ZDV FUHDWHG QHDU -XSLWHU DQG ODWHU ZDQGHUHG WRZDUGV (DUWK¶V RUELW
2. Which statement describes the general characteristics of the inner and outer planets of our solar system? A. the inner planets are small and rocky and formed close to the Sun B. the outer planets are further away, much larger and made up of gas and ice C. the inner planets and outer planets have the same basic composition D. both A and B 3. S-waves do not pass through the ea
A. the outer core is liquid B. the mantle is more dense than the core C. the mantle is less dense than the core D. the crust is of different thickness at different locations 4. What change will occur if a conglomerate became buried deep within Earth's crust and was subjected to intense heat and pressure, but did not melt? A. The density of the pebbles and sand would decrease. B. The rock would become an intrusive igneous rock composed mostly of quartz. C. The rock would become more felsic with a higher concentration of magnesium. D. The pebbles would become distorted and the sand would be recrystallized 5. The end product of the chemical weathering of gabbro or basalt rocks would contain high amounts of; A. iron and magnesium B. magnesium and potassium C. aluminum and iron D. aluminum and potassium 7. Which mineral is harder than gypsum exhibits a non-metallic luster and has cubic cleavage? A. muscovite B. fluorite C. halite D. both B and C 8. Cyanobacteria are preserved as fossil structures known as; A. stromatoporoids B. stromatolites C. eukaryotes D. methanogen bacteria Yuna
9. Banded Iron formations stopped forming about 2 billion years ago because; A. photosynthetic cyanobacteria became extinct B. iron oxide stopped being produced C. oxygen increased in the atmosphere and iron was oxidized on the continents D. the climate changed 10. The Miller and Urey experiment suggests that; A. life can evolve on earth from inorganic molecules B. complex organic molecules can form spontaneously under conditions that existed on the early earth C. bacteria were the first type of living organism to appear on the earth D. both A and B 11. Which bedrock would be most likely to contain fossils? A. Precambrian meta-sedimentary rock B. Cambrian shale C. Pleistocene basalt D. Middle-Proterozoic quartzite 12. Several different varieties of the mineral plagioclase exist. This is an example of; A. plagioclase polymrphs B. ionic substitution C. solid solution series D. impurities in plagioclase 13. Which of the following is not a silicate mineral? A. plagioclase B. amphibole C. quartz D. corundum 14. Which one of the following minerals contains a single chain tetrahedral structure? A. quartz B. pyroxene C. olivine D. amphibole
15. Basalt is heated and melted completely, then cooled very slowly until it solidifies. Which rock would form? A. gabbro B. andesite C. granite D. diorite 16. Where would rich soil accumulate more quickly? A. a relatively flat topography in a moist and temperate climate B. a steep topography in a dry and cold climate C. a relatively flat topography in a dry and hot climate D. a steep topography in a moist, temperate climate w
17. A foliated, coarse grained metamorphic rock suggests metamorphism due to; A. high pressure and high temperature B. high pressure and low temperature C. low pressure and low temperature D. lower pressure and high temperature 18. Which statement about magma is false? A. magma can be produced by partial melting B. assimilation can produce magma of varying composition C. magma consists of 70% silica composition D. dissolved gases and mineral crystals are present in magma 19. Why are minerals like olivine and quartz not found together in igneous rocks? A. olivine forms in extrusive rocks, while quartz forms in intrusive rocks B. olivine contains iron in its composition C. neither of them contains silica D. their temperature of crystallization is incompatible 20. A river is carrying sediment of various sizes. Which sediment will be deposited the furthest from the source area? A. pebbles B. sand C. clay D. calcite crystals 21. The diagram below represents a conglomerate rock. The clasts are labeled. Which conclusion best describes the clasts? A. they all contain the same minerals B. they originated from a larger mass of igneous rock C. they have different origins D. they are the same age 22. Contact metamorphism occurs because of: A. directed pressure in the contact zone B. chemical weathering in the contact zone C. magmatic heat and fluids in the contact zone D. pressure release in the contact zone 23. Which one of the following statements about joints is true? A. joints form as two sides of a fracture slide past each other B. joints typically open by several meters C. joints only form due to the cooling of lava or magma D. joints always form perpendicular to the direction of tensional stress silt
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24. Shallow crustal rocks are more likely to fault than deeply buried crustal rocks because; A. they are more brittle B. they are composed of less dense minerals C. they are exposed to more air and water D. they are not as strong as deeper rocks 25. In the block diagram below; A. the strike of the bed is E-W and the dip is N B. the strike of the bed is E-W and the dip is S C. the strike of the bed is N-S and the dip is E D. the strike of the bed is N-S and the dip is W 26. The sedimentary rocks on the geologic map below show a characteristic pattern; the underlying structure is a; A. non-plunging anticline B. plunging anticline C. dome D. plunging dome . 27. Compared to mafic lavas, felsic lavas tend to be; A. higher in viscosity and retain dissolved gases B. higher in viscosity but easily release dissolved gases C. lower in viscosity and retain dissolved gases D. lower in viscosity and release dissolved gases 28. In a syncline, the sedimentary layers; A. have horizontal dips B. have vertical dips C. dip away from the fold axis D. dip toward the fold axis. c
29. Which one of the following types of pressure will result in the alignment of metamorphic minerals? A. contact pressure B. directed pressure C. confining pressure D. lithostatic pressure 30. The following are possible volcanic precursor signals except: A. seismic activity B
C. changes in atmospheric pressure D. changes in the mix of gases emitted by the volcano 31. A fractional scale of 1:10,000 means that 1 centimeter on the map is equal to; A. 1000 metres on the ground B. 100 meters on the ground C. 10 metres on the ground D. 1 meter on the ground 32. An unidentified mineral scratches calcite but not orthoclase. A
scale, what is the unidentified mineral? A. talc B. fluorite C. quartz D. gypsum 33. Which one of the following geologic periods is associated with steady increase of oxygen in the atmosphere? A. Carboniferous B. Proterozoic C. Cambrian D. Archean 34. Which one of the following promotes ductile behavior? A. rapid application of stress and low confining pressure B. slow application of stress and high confining pressure C. high temperature D. B and C 35. The Appalachian Mountains in North America and the Caledonian Mountains in Europe contain very similar rock types, structures and fossils. This observation suggests that North America and Europe; A. were once joined together B. are moving closer together C. are on the same lithospheric plate D. are joined by mountains extending across the Atlantic Ocean 10000cm
36. Which one is a member of the inner planets? A. Uranus B. Jupiter C. Mercury D. Saturn 37. The increased explosive potential of magma beneath a volcano results from: A. high viscosity; low dissolved gas B. high viscosity and high dissolved gas C. low silica content, low dissolved gas D. low viscosity; low dissolved gas 38. Confining pressure: A. develops during plate collisions B. is exerted uniformly in all directions C. tends to increase with depth D. both b and c 39. Which one of the following does the hanging wall move up relative to the footwall? A. normal fault B. thrust fault C. transform fault D. vertical fault 40. The primary cause of exfoliation is: A. the removal of SODQWV DQG VKUXEV IURP WKH URFN¶V VXUIDFH
B. the thermal expansion of water contained within the fractures in the rock C. abrasion by rock particles contained in streams, wind or glaciers D. the removal by erosion of overlying rock or soil 41. :KLFK IDFWRU GRHV QRW SURPRWH WKH PHOWLQJ RI URFN LQ WKH (DUWK¶V FUXVW WR IRUP PDJPD"
A. increasing temperature B. addition of water C. increasing the pressure D. reducing the pressure 42. Felsic lava is characteristic of _________ eruptions, which commonly form a volcano with a steep cone called a ___________. A. explosive, shield cone B. explosive, composite cone C. nonexplosive, shield cone D. nonexplosive, composite cone 43. Which one of these rocks is most susceptible to oxidation? A. limestone B. gneiss C. basalt D. granite foliage
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44. Earth developed a layered structure with a dense core and a light crust as a result of; A. metamorphism B. condensation C. compression D. differentiation 45. In which depositional environment would you expect to find symmetrical ripples? A. glacial B. beach C. deep marine D. river bed 46. The deposition of limestone followed by shale and then topped by sandstone, occurs when sea level ___________ during a marine ______________. A. rises, regression B. drops, transgression C. drops, regression D. rises, transgression 47. The most distinctive feature of the A horizon of a soil profile is; A. the abundance of very fine-grained rock particles B. the abundance of both organic matter, humus and minerals C. its inability to retain fertility because of constant leaching of minerals D. an abundant supply of leached ions (Ca
, K
) 48. Which statement is false? A. Oxidation is important in the chemical alteration of felsic silicate minerals B. Water and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere react to form carbonic acid C. An important soluble product of hydrolysis is silica D. Hydrolysis is effective in weathering of feldspar 49. What type of plate boundary produces reverse faults? A. convergent boundaries B. divergent boundaries C. rift zone boundary D. transform boundaries 50. The driving mechanism for plate tectonics results from; A. the rotation of the earth B. magnetism C. tidal effects D. thermal convection I
Use the following geological map to answer questions 51 and 51. Note the geological ages in the legend from oldest (Silurian) to youngest (Permian) 51. What is the geological structure that lies between II and III? A. dome B. anticline C. syncline D. unconformity 52. Which structural symbol should be placed at X in order to show the strike and dip of the sedimentary layers? A. B. C. D. 53. 7KH DSSDUHQW ZDQGHULQJ RI WKH (DUWK¶V PDJQHWLF QRUWK SROH DV UHFRUGHG LQ FRQWLQHQWDO
volcanic rocks is a result of changes in the; $± WLOW RI WKH (DUWK¶V D[LV
B. positions of the continents C. position of the geographic north pole D. none of the above 54. One of the possible early sources of energy for building organic molecules was; A. green plants B. carbon dioxide C. chlorophyll D. UV rays and lightening 2 3
Use the following cross section to answer questions 55 to 59. 55. What is the igneous structure at R? A. lava flow B. dike C. stock D. sill 56. The range of crystal sizes at Z is 3.0
5.0 mm. What is the range of crystal sizes at Y? A. 4.0
6.0 mm B. 3.0
5.0 mm C. 2.0
3.0 mm D. 5.0
7.0 mm 57. What type of rock is found at U? A. evaporite B. igneous C. organic D. clastic 58. The rock at V is limestone. What is the rock at W? A. schist B. gneiss C. quartzite D. marble 59. The rock at X is composed of crystals of quartz with an interlocking texture. Which description would best describe the sedimentary rock at S? A. randomly oriented clay minerals B. angular, interlocking crystals of calcite C. rounded grains of quartz sand cemented together D. interlocking crystals of quartz, feldspar and amphibole on
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60. Earth's early atmosphere consisted of gases released from volcanic activity and cooling of the crust within the planet during a process known as; A. evaporation B. outgassing C. sublimation D. condensation 61. 7KH HYLGHQFH WKDW VXSSRUWV :HJHQHU¶V K\SRWKHVLV LV WKDW²
A. the same magnetic directions exist on different continents B. major rivers on different continents match C. land bridges still exist that connect major continents D. fossils of the same organism have been found on different continents 62. Segments of oceanic spreading ridges are connected by; A. subduction zones B. transform faults C. oceanic trenches D. normal faults 63. The youngest rocks on the ocean floor are located near which feature? A. a mid-ocean ridge B. an abyssal plain C. a continental shelf D. a subduction trench 64. The Hawaiian Islands are associated with; A. intraplate volcanism at a hot spot B. subduction zone volcanism C. volcanism at a divergent plate boundary D. volcanism at a convergent plate boundary 65. On a topographic map,
V-shaped contour lines indicate which feature? A. mountain top B. depression C. ridge D. river valley