Rocks typically exhibit _____ behavior at or near the surface where temperatures and pressures are low.
brittle What type of mountains are characteristic of continent-continent collision boundaries?
fold and thrust-faulted mountains;
What is a thrust fault?
a low-angle reverse fault
The San Andreas Fault system can be described as _________.
right lateral strike-slip What is the term used for the type of fold that is concave down (i.e., points like the letter A) with beds that dip away from the fold axis?
anticline, Which of the following is a dip-slip fault?
normal fault reverse fault thrust fault all of these answers are correct only b and c are correct What is the term for the type of fault in which the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall?
normal What is the term used by geologists for a fracture in rocks along which there has been no movement?
joint In a syncline, the youngest rock layers:
are found in the center of the fold near the fold axis, What is the term used for the type of fold that is concave up (i.e., points down like the letter V)?
anticline What is the difference between stress and strain?
Stress is a force; strain is an adjustment to that force. What is a graben?
A down-dropped block formed by normal faults,