Discussion: Mineral growth and rock formation
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Recall from lecture that water ice is a mineral, and so many of these crystals together will form a rock. Watch the video on ice crystal formation, the link to which is found below, and discuss how the simple experiment done for the video shows how a solid rock forms from a group of isolated crystals.
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In this video, Dr. Gabrielle Walker and Dr. Andrea Sella investigate the molecular makeup of ice crystals by using supercooled water to instantly create a mass of ice crystals and discover why water expands as it freezes into ice. Because of the
water bonds that are constantly being made and broken, once it is at freezing temperature, the water bonds form very fast, as you can see once the water bottle
is hit against the table and when a piece of ice is added in. This simple experiment shows how a solid rock forms from a group of isolated crystals by the
water bonds that are being formed. When the ice was added to the cold water bottle, the rest of the water bonds reacted to that piece of ice, causing the whole bottle to become solid.