Chapter 11 - Soil_ The Foundation for Land Ecosystems



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Apr 3, 2024





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2/6/24, 7:10 PM Chapter 11 - Soil: The Foundation for Land Ecosystems 1/21 Chapter 11 - Soil: The Foundation for Land Ecosystems Due: 11:59pm on Saturday, February 10, 2024 You will receive no credit for items you complete after the assignment is due. Grading Policy Chapter 11 Reading Quiz Question 1 Part A Which process creates soil by breaking down parent material such as bedrock into smaller particles? You did not open hints for this part. ANSWER: Chapter 11 Reading Quiz Question 2 Part A Which of the following is the top layer of a typical soil profile? You did not open hints for this part. ANSWER: weathering erosion leaching infiltration
2/6/24, 7:10 PM Chapter 11 - Soil: The Foundation for Land Ecosystems 2/21 Chapter 11 Reading Quiz Question 3 Part A The most inclusive group in the taxonomic classification system for soils is the soil order . Which of the following are orders of soil? You did not open hints for this part. ANSWER: Chapter 11 Reading Quiz Question 4 Part A A horizon B horizon E horizon O horizon poor, medium, and good A, B, and C silt, clay, and loam oxisols, aridisols, and mollisols
2/6/24, 7:10 PM Chapter 11 - Soil: The Foundation for Land Ecosystems 3/21 Mycorrhizae are a kind of __________ that lives in a symbiotic relationship with some plant roots. You did not open hints for this part. ANSWER: Chapter 11 Reading Quiz Question 7 Part A Which of the following renders land less productive or even useless and is therefore considered a form of desertification? You did not open hints for this part. ANSWER: Chapter 11 Reading Quiz Question 11 fungus virus animal bacterium salinization sedimentation erosion irrigation
2/6/24, 7:10 PM Chapter 11 - Soil: The Foundation for Land Ecosystems 4/21 Part A Which of the following statements is true regarding soil particle size? You did not open hints for this part. ANSWER: Chapter 11 Reading Quiz Question 12 Part A Which of the following is true regarding soil? You did not open hints for this part. ANSWER: As the average size of the soil particles decreases, water infiltration increases. As the average size of the soil particles decreases, aeration decreases. As the average size of the soil particles decreases, nutrient-holding capacity decreases. As the average size of the soil particles decreases, water-holding capacity decreases. Soil is just "dirt" and would not be considered an ecosystem. Soil consists only of biotic components, so it is not an ecosystem. Soil is an ecosystem because it contains many interacting biotic and abiotic components. Soil consists only of abiotic components, so it is not an ecosystem.
2/6/24, 7:10 PM Chapter 11 - Soil: The Foundation for Land Ecosystems 5/21 Chapter 11 Reading Quiz Question 13 Part A The soil in your yard consists mostly of very fine particles smaller than 0.004 mm in diameter. Your soil has a large __________ content. You did not open hints for this part. ANSWER: Chapter 11 Reading Quiz Question 14 Part A Which of the following is true regarding the addition of organic matter and humus to soil? You did not open hints for this part. ANSWER: fine sand silt clay loam
2/6/24, 7:10 PM Chapter 11 - Soil: The Foundation for Land Ecosystems 6/21 Chapter 11 Reading Quiz Question 16 Part A Which of the following is true regarding the soil profile? You did not open hints for this part. ANSWER: Chapter 11 Reading Quiz Question 17 Part A Adding organic matter and humus to soil decreases nutrient-holding capacity and increases infiltration. Adding organic matter and humus to soil decreases infiltration and nutrient-holding capacity. Adding organic matter and humus to soil increases nutrient-holding capacity and infiltration. Adding organic matter and humus to soil increases nutrient-holding capacity and decreases infiltration. The process of soil formation creates a random gradient of soil layers. The process of soil formation creates parent material. The process of soil formation creates distinct horizontal soil layers. Soil exists only in the top horizons of a soil profile.
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