RNR/GEOG 420/520 Raster Surface Creation
Report Form
Please respond in blue font as indicated in the sections below.
Introduction: Provide a brief summary of the project area and the purpose of the investigation.
Initial Investigation Observations: Paste the image of the graphic output of the Spatial Autocorrelation tool in this section. What do the Moran’s I, z-score, and p-value indicate about the distribution pattern of the pottery weights. Do these results support surface interpolation?
IDW: Briefly explain the IDW interpolation method and describe what it indicates about the pottery weight distribution.
Spline: Briefly explain the Spline interpolation method and describe what it indicates about the distribution.
IDW/Spline Comparison: Describe the similarities and dissimilarities of the two interpolations. Include the summary statistics table in this section.
Conclusion: Explain which interpolation method you would recommend for characterizing the distribution of pottery weights in the Hesban region and why you recommend that method.