Lesson Plan
TECS 303 STEM Practices in Elementary Education Targeted
Grade Level:
Unit - Eight
Title – Coding in Elementary STEM
Lesson Plan Description Unit Objectives - T
he purpose of this unit is to introduce children to the word “Habitat” and explain that it means the place where an animal lives. Standards (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Provide a minimum of one for each of the following - 1.
Standards for Technological and Engineering Literacy (STEL) STEL-3B. Draw connections between technology and human experiences.
Next Generation Science Standards- K-LS1-1. Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive
Kansas Mathematics Standards and Common Core- 1-LS1-1. Use materials to design a solution to a human problem by mimicking how plants and/or animals use their external parts to help them
survive, grow, and meet their needs.
Outline of Lesson – The student to learn about the different environments that animals live in. The student then will pick an animal from the book and go on pebble go and research the animal of their choosing and create a scratch project on where it lives and what it eats. The students will take that knowledge they learned to draw and create a habitat for their animal. Materials Needed – The Wild Zoo Train and i Pads Presentation/Delivery of Content – reading The Wild Zoo Train and on pebble go.
Assignment/Activity – Student should be able to create a habitat for the animal they choose and what it eats. We will go over how to work scratch cat and the different action in the app. Assessment –
The students will present to the class what they learned and created in scratch cat. Each student will say a fact they learned while doing this project.