Lab 4 Work



Clemson University *

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Electrical Engineering


Feb 20, 2024





Uploaded by ProfMetalStork38

Holcombe Departme nt of ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER E N GI N EERI N G Clemson• Uuiversity Course ECE 2080 Section Number 009 Student Name N1..1 r1 e, Ti vnmnnc; Team Number " Experiment: 04 Experiment Title: Parallel Circ ui t Experiment Date(s): 10 /C; I f),3 Prepared By: Dr. T. Z. Raza TA Signature --.fJ.p - .dzf!;- = · Date /0/C; J 9i3 Copyrighted by Dr. Raza . This material is protected by Creative Commons License "CC BY -NC - ND". You may download and share with others if credit is given to Dr. Raza , but yoU]cannot change it in any way or u se it comm erc iall y.
Equipment needed: Breadbo a rd , Multimeter, Var ia bl e DC Pow er Supply , Re sistan ce s, Wi re co nn ec tors Circuit Diagram: For all the cal c ulation s, s imul a tion s a nd m eas ur eme nt s use th e circuit gi ven in Figure 1 with the followin g va lu es: R 1 = 1.5 kn , R 2 = 3.3 kn , VS I = IO V + Figure 1 - Parallel Cir cu it Task 1: Reading a resistor value from a resistor color code chart: Consider the following resistors: R1 = 1.5 ill and Ri = 3.3 ill. Writ e the corresponding s trip colors for each resistor. (write four strip colors for each resistor): R1= brown 1 5rwi J red, qolq R2 = ova.rgi, DrQ!lgt , rt , cl,~ora Task 2: Find the resistors and measure their actual values using a multimeter and record below. You will have to use the multimeter as "Ohmmeter" . Take a snapshot of the Ohmmeter reading for R1 measurement (only) and attach it with the report. Task 3: Conn ecting the circuit on breadboard : Wire the parallel circuit in Figure 1 on the breadboard with R1 = 1.5 ill and R2 = 3.3 ill .. Use the+ and-row on the breadboard to connect the+ and - polarity of the voltage source respectively. Please make sure that the end ofresistors connected to the power supply in the circuit are also connected correctly to the + and - row on the breadboard where power supply is connected . DO NOT POWER ON the circuit and show it to your TA. Once verified take a snapshot to include it in the report . Now turn on the supply voltage and take the measurements for Table 1. Copyrighted by Dr. Raza. This mat e ri al is protected by Creative Commons License "CC BY-NC-ND". You may download and share with others if credi t is gi v en to Dr. Raza , but ym . Qcannot change it in any way or use it commercially.
Task 4: Use the multimeter to m easu re vo l ta ge ac ro ss R1 a nd R2 a nd curre nt I, 11 a nd Ji . Rec ord your va lu es in Tab le I. Recoil: when multimeter is u se d us a voltmeter to mea s ur e vo l tag e acro ss a ny component, it is co nne c ted in para ll el to th e co mp one nt and when th e multimeter is us ed us an ammeter to mea sure current, it is co nne cted in se rie s with the co mp onen t. You wi ll h ave to u se the multimeter as a voltmeter or an ammeter accordingly for talci ng meas ur ements in Tab le I. You h ave two multimeters avai l ab le on yo ur bench. Ys1 (V) I0V R1 (m l .5 KO R2(m 3.3 KO VR1 (V) mea s ured voltage across R1 I D. D e:, V R2 (V) measured voltage across R2 10 . 0 c; I1 (A) measured current through R1 VJ . CtA Ii (A) measured current through R2 3. 31 I (A) measured current 9. 9- '-/ Table 1 Measurements for circuit Figure 1 Task 5: Answer the following questions regarding measurements in Table I. I. Is the measured current I= 11 + h? Why or why not, briefly explain. No, -the meo.wrw cvmrn t I :: I, -t I 2 i this t is na1 trve, Ki of srno..\ \ ct 1t1 ® ~ v\~1110'\i , °'" you co..n SH ,t ,s not {0¥ ftom -fht acfvQ f 1UfaJ 2. Is the measured voltage VR1 = VR2? Why or why not, briefly explain. ~es, Yfl-1 = V~1 t hi s is \'.Jwi vs e, . ilt w lta5e 0oin 8 throlQn ~h mr i.m,;i vvil/ oJw~s i,e, -t he sa,m<2, Task 6: Using LTSPICE, simulate the parallel circuit in Figure 1. Please save the snapshot of the circuit schematic with the voltage values VR1 and VR2 displayed across the resistors R1 and R2 and the currents I, I 1 and Ii. This should be included in your report. In the report, also compare your results obtained from the simulation with your measured values in Table I. Lab Work Grading Ruberic: The TA will sign the lab when you show the measured values in Task 4 and the circuit simulation in Task 6. Please note you must complete the signed lab exercise handout before submitting it through canvas. Copyrighted by Dr. Raza. This material is protected by Creative Commons License "CC BY-NC-ND". You may download and share with others if credit is given to Dr. Raza , but you3cannot change it in any way or use it commercially.
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