extra credit 6



New York University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Jun 26, 2024





Uploaded by GrandBraveryGull55

The owner of a car wash is trying to decide on the number of people to employ based on the following short-run production function and marginal product of labor equation. Short-run production function: Q = 6L - 0.5L^2 Marginal product of labor (MP): MP = 6 - L The owner can hire students on a part-time basis for $4 per hour, while the other workers are paid $5 per hour. Should the owner hire additional workers assuming they keep the current workers? - Part-time students cost $4 per hour. - Current workers are paid $5 per hour. Marginal Product of Labor gives the additional output per additional worker. Hire additional workers if the marginal benefit (additional output) exceeds the marginal cost (additional wages). MP = 6 - L If L = 1, MP = 5. Since the marginal benefit 5 exceeds the marginal cost $4, hiring an additional worker would be beneficial. However, as L increases, MP decreases. If L = 5, MP = 1. In this case, the marginal benefit is less than the marginal cost, so hiring an additional worker may not be beneficial.
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