econ monopoly workbook



Langara College *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Jun 27, 2024





Uploaded by ChefGalaxy5640

Monopoly vs. Perfect Competition Monopoly Perfect Competition Price Quantity Consumer Surplus Producer Surplus Profit / Loss Deadweight Loss 6
Natural Monopoly Use the space provided below to define a natural monopoly The key point is that a natural monopoly is characterized by increasing returns to scale at all levels of output within the constraints of the size of the market.– thus the long run cost per unit (LRAC) will drift lower as production expands. There may be room only for one supplier to reach the minimum efficient scale and achieve productive efficiency. 7
Regulating Natural Monopolies Governments may choose to regulate the activities of a natural monopoly given that the profit-maximizing price would be too high and the output too low, leaving significant inefficiencies in the market. Profit-maximizing Price and Output Socially Optimum Price and Output (P=MC) Fair-return Price and Output (P=ATC) Which of the above price / output combinations is the best? Explain. 8
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