BST322 Week 4 Discussion 2



National University College *

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Jun 19, 2024





Uploaded by dpwiggs21

Davin Pester-Wiggins 12/19/2023 BST 322 Professor Harvey Mac & Class, Correlation between Age and Optimism Score is: -0.157605 No correlogram when there are only 2 columns 1.) 2.) The correlation coefficient is -0.157605 and this shows that there is a 15.8% variance from the predicted values in the sample. The data shows that there is a negative relationship between age and optimism and the older you get, the lower your optimism score is. Because of this we reject our null hypothesis. 3.) The P-value is lower than the alpha 0.05 so this data is statistically significant. 4.) -The null hypothesis is that there is no correlation between age and optimism. -The alternative hypothesis is that there is a correlation between age and optimism 5.) The predicted optimism score is 42.3 Simple linear regression results: Dependent Variable: Optimism Score Independent Variable: Age Optimism Score = 54.264144 - 0.26550274 Age
Davin Pester-Wiggins 12/19/2023 BST 322 Professor Harvey Mac & Class, Sample size: 1000 R (correlation coefficient) = -0.157605 R-sq = 0.024839337 Estimate of error standard deviation: 10.33807 Parameter estimates: Parameter Estimate Std. Err. Alternative DF T-Stat P-value Intercept 54.264144 1.9573379 ≠ 0 998 27.723442 <0.0001 Slope -0.26550274 0.052658904 ≠ 0 998 -5.0419344 <0.0001 Analysis of variance table for regression model: Source DF SS MS F-stat P-value Model 1 2716.898 2716.898 25.421102 <0.0001 Error 998 106661.95 106.8757 Total 999 109378.84 Predicted values: X value Pred. Y s.e.(Pred. y) 95% C.I. for mean 95% P.I. for new 45 42.316521 0.54800186 (41.241153, 43.391889) (22.001191, 62.631851)
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