Midterm Exam Spring '23 v2 (solutions)
University of California, Los Angeles *
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Computer Science
Dec 6, 2023
Uploaded by ColonelRockGoldfinch39
CS131 Spring 23 - Midterm #1
version 2 rubric
1. [10 points-2 each] For each of the items below, write a Haskell type signature for the
expression. If the item is a function then use the standard haskell type notation for a function. If
the item is an expression, write the type of the expression (e.g., [Int]). For any answers that use
one or more type variables
where concrete types can't be inferred
, use "t1", "t2", etc. for your
type variable names.
foo bar = []
z = foldl (\x y -> x ++ y)
z = \x -> x ++ ["carey"]
m = [(take 3 y, (\a -> length a < 7) x) |
x <- ["matt","ashwin","siddarth","ruining"],
y <- ["monday","tuesday","wednesday","thursday","friday"]]
foo bar = map (\x -> 2 * x) bar
Any option listed below is worth full credit. Answers that fail to use
types t1, t2, etc. but instead use other letters or type names should
get full credit if their answer is valid. An answer is either entirely
correct or entirely wrong,
foo :: t1 -> [t2]
z :: [t1] -> [[t1]] -> [t1]
z :: Foldable t2 => [t1] -> t2 [t1] -> [t1]
(the 2nd answer involves type classes, which we didn’t learn!)
z :: [[Char]] -> [[Char]]
z :: [String] -> [String]
m :: [([Char], Bool)]
m :: [(String, Bool)]
[([Char], Bool)]
[(String, Bool)]
foo :: Num t1 => [t1] -> [t1]
foo :: [Int] -> [Int]
foo :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
2. [5 points] Suppose a language does not support closures. Is it possible for the language to
still support currying and partial function application? If so, how would this work; if not, explain
why not. Note: Limit your answer to five or fewer sentences, and avoid adding superfluous,
incorrect answers as this will result in a point deduction.
Any answer that hits the following points gets full credit:
Currying requires closures to capture free variables used in the inner
lambda expressions. If there are no closures then we can't create
curried functions or do partial application.
If the student just says currying/PA is not possible but does not give
a rationale they get 1 point
If the student also includes superfluous answers that are not correct,
take one point off for each incorrect answer that is present.
The minimum score for this problem is zero.
3. [16 points-2/2/2/10] In this question, you will be implementing
directed graph
algebraic data
types and algorithms in Haskell. Recall that a graph is composed of vertices that hold values,
and edges which connect vertices to other vertices. In a directed graph, edges are
unidirectional, so an outgoing edge from vertex A to vertex B does NOT imply that B also has a
direct connection to A. You may assume that all graphs have at least one vertex.
a. Show the Haskell definition for an algebraic data type called "DirectedGraph" that has a
single “Vertex” variant. Each vertex must have one Integer value, and a list of zero or more
adjacent vertices that can be reached from the current vertex.
Any of the following answers is OK:
data DirectedGraph = Vertex Int [DirectedGraph]
data DirectedGraph = Vertex Integer [DirectedGraph]
data DirectedGraph = Vertex [DirectedGraph] Int
data DirectedGraph = Vertex [DirectedGraph] Integer
If the student uses a type variable with a type of Integral that's ok too.
All other answers get a zero.
b. Using your DirectedGraph ADT, write down a Haskell expression that represents a graph with
two vertices:
A vertex with the value 5 with no outgoing edges
A vertex with the value 42, with an outgoing edge to the previous vertex
The students may use any variable names they like (instead of a and b).
Given these definitions from part a:
data DirectedGraph = Vertex Int [DirectedGraph]
data DirectedGraph = Vertex Integer [DirectedGraph]
Either of the following options are valid:
a = Vertex 5 []
– 1 point
b = Vertex 42 [a]
– 1 point
b = Vertex 42 [Vertex 5 []]
– 2 points
Given these definitions from part a:
data DirectedGraph = vertex [DirectedGraph] Int
data DirectedGraph = vertex [DirectedGraph] Integer
Either of the following options are valid:
a = Vertex [] 5
– 1 point
b = Vertex [a] 42
– 1 point
b = Vertex [Vertex [] 5] 42
– 2 points
c. Carey has designed his own graph ADT, and written a Haskell function that adds a vertex to
the “front” of an existing graph g that is passed in as a parameter:
add_to_front g = Vertex 0 [g]
In Haskell, creating new data structures incurs cost. Assuming there are N vertices in the
existing graph
, what is the time complexity of Carey's function (i.e., the big-O)? Why?
O(1) because only a single new vertex is being created, and it links to the
original graph.
The existing graph need not be regenerated in any way.
d. Write a function called
that takes in one argument (a DirectedGraph) and
returns the sum of all vertices in the graph. Your function must include a type annotation for full
credit. You may assume that the passed-in graph is guaranteed to have no cycles. You may
have helper function(s).
Your solution MUST be shorter than 8 lines long.
Any of these answers deserves full marks. They require one of the following
type annotations:
sum_of_vertices :: DirectedGraph -> Int
sum_of_vertices :: DirectedGraph -> Integer
--- carey's solution
sum_of_vertices (Vertex val vertices) =
val + (sumx_aux vertices)
value (Vertex val vertices) = val + (sumx_aux vertices)
sumx_aux vertices =
sum [value n | n <- vertices]
--- matt’s solution (map + sum)
sum_of_vertices (Vertex val vertices) = val + sum (map sum_of_vertices
--- matt’s solution (map + fold)
sum_of_vertices (Vertex val vertices) = foldl (+) val (map sum_of_vertices
--- optionally, students might include a base case like the following, though
observe that it’s not strictly necessary
sum_of_vertices (Vertex val []) = val
--- many other solutions are possible. other neat ones we saw included:
--- - parsing the vertices vertex-by-vertex, which required:
- a mutually recursive helper function
- “recreating” a new node with value 0, and the tail as its vertices
--- - foldl/foldr, but calling sum_of_graph on each edge
Rubric Sketch (negative grading)
Perfect (-0 pts)
Minor syntax error(s) that did not affect understanding (-1 pts)
ex: forgetting the parens for an ADT variant argument
Incorrect base case / singleton vertex (-2 pts)
ex: base case has value 0
Minor recursive logic bug (-2 pts)
requires a fully-working solution, with one minor tweak
ex: switching the order of the args to foldl/foldr
ex: used sum improperly
Major recursive logic bug / multiple minor bugs (-5 pts)
ex: recursive solution tries to add a DirectedGraph and Integer
ex: recursive solution tries to call sum_of_vertices
ex: recursive solution misses multiple levels of children
Incorrect/missing type definition (-1 pts)
all-or-nothing; did give ECF
submitted typedef, received 1 pt total
Did not attempt (-10 pts)
A handful of students noted that our definition of acyclic was unclear (is
this acyclic in the undirected sense, or in the directed sense)? The latter
has a “diamond problem” built-in; we were expecting solutions for the former.
If you tried to deal with this but had a minor logic bug, we gave you full
4. [10 points] Write a Haskell function called
that takes in an Integer n and a
list of generic types that returns a sublist of every n
element. For example:
extract_each_nth 2 ["hi","what up","hello"] should return ["what up"]
extract_each_nth 5 [31 .. 48] should return [35, 40, 45]
Your function must have a type signature and must use either filter, foldr or foldl. It must be less
than 8 lines long.
Hint: If you use fold, your accumulator doesn't need to be the same type as your returned value
or your input, and a tuple might be useful!
Carey's answer:
extract_each_nth :: Integer -> [a] -> [a]
extract_each_nth n lst =
map (\tup -> snd tup)
(filter (\tup -> (fst tup) `mod` n == 0) (zip [1..] lst))
Ruining's answer:
get_every_nth :: Integer -> [a] -> [a]
get_every_nth n lst =
let f = \(res,index) x -> if mod index n == 0 then (x:res, index+1) else
-- this 'let' is one line
in reverse( fst (foldl f ([],1) lst))
also acceptable;
(\(x,_) ->x) instead of fst
Possible common mistakes:
using foldr instead of foldl -> -3 pts
indexing starts at 0 instead of 1 -> -2 pts
forget to convert from tuple back to list -> -2 pts
syntax error with order of operands for f function in fold (need to
match) -> -2 pts
if foldl: forget to reverse the list -> -1 pt
3 points for having a good idea of what to do as a baseline
5. [5 points] Write a Haskell comprehension that generates an infinite list of functions, each of
which takes a single argument x, such that the z
function returns z
. You may assume that z
starts at 1 for the first generated function, 2 for the second function, etc. For example:
inf_list = [your comprehension here]
head inf_list 1 → returns 1
head (tail inf_list) 3 → returns 8
inf_list = [\x -> z^x | z <- [1..]]
– carey's answer
Possible common mistakes:
not returning a list of functions ([z^x | z <- [1..]]) -> -3 pts
using the wrong operator (neither ** or ^) -> -3 pts
extraneous argument in lambda ([\x k -> x^k | k <- [1..]] -> -1 pt
6. [10 points-5/5] Consider the following Python program:
class Comedian:
def __init__(self, joke):
self.__joke = joke
def change_joke(self, joke):
self.__joke = joke
def get_joke(self):
return self.__joke
def process(c):
# line A
c[1] = Comedian("joke4a")
c = c + [Comedian("joke4c")]
def main():
c1 = Comedian("joke1")
c2 = Comedian("joke2")
com = [c1,c2]
c1 = Comedian("joke3")
for c in com:
a. Assuming we run the main function, what will this program print out?
Partial credit for this part (a) and the next part (b) is only awarded if
either the student fails to properly take into account a single valid
mutation, or incorporates a single invalid mutation when there wasn't
supposed to be one.
5 points for:
2.5 points for:
2.5 points for:
2.5 points for:
2.5 points for:
2.5 points for:
b. Assuming we removed the comment on line A and replaced it with:
c = copy.copy(c)
# initiate a shallow copy
If we run the main function, what would the program print?
5 points for:
2.5 points for:
2.5 points for:
2.5 points for:
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7. [9 points-3/3/3] We know that int and float are usually not subtypes of each other. Assume
you have a programming language where you can represent integers and floating-point values
with infinite precision (call the data types Integer and Float). In this language, the operations on
Integer are +, -, *, / and % and the operations on Float are +, -, *, and /.
a. In this language, will Float be a subtype of Integer? Why or why not?
3 points for the following:
No, Float is a NOT a subtype of Integer because:
1. Not every Float value can be represented by an Integer
1. Not every operation on an Integer can also be performed on a Float.
3 points off if they do not say "No"
1 point off for missing either requirement
b. In this language, will Integer be a subtype of Float? Why or why not?
3 points for the following:
Yes, Int is a subtype of Float because:
2. Every Integer value can be represented by a Float (with the fractional
part being zero).
3. Every operation on Float can also be performed on an Integer.
3 points off if they do not say "Yes"
1 point off for missing either requirement
c. If you discovered that the Float type also supports an additional operator, exponentiation,
what effect would that have on your answers to a and b? Why?
3 points for the following:
Neither would be subtypes of each other. Any one of the following reasons is
sufficient for full credit:
1. Floats have an operator that Integers don't support so Integers can't
be a subtype of Float
2. Integers have an operator that Floats don't support so Floats can't be
a subtype of Integer
8. [9 points-3/3/3] Siddarth has created a compiler for a new language he's invented. He gives
you the following code written in the language, with line numbers added for clarity:
# A mystery function in Siddarth's language
func mystery(x) {
y = x;
y = 4.5;
return y;
q = mystery(5);
Siddarth tells you that the program above outputs the following:
a. What can you say about the type system of the language? Is it statically typed or dynamically
typed? Explain your reasoning.
3 points for something close to this reasoning:
It is statically typed.
Why: because y's type remains an integer even when we assign it to a
floating point value (4.5)
1 point for saying it's statically typed but without reasoning
b. Is either casting or conversion being performed in this code? If so, what technique(s) are
being used on what line(s)? If you do identify any casts/conversions, explain for each if they are
narrowing or widening.
3 points for an answer that hits both of the items below:
Yes, the code is using a conversion on line 4 where it converts 4.5 into an
integer value of 4.
This is a narrowing conversion since it loses precision when it truncates to
an integer.
1 point off for saying casting assuming everything else is right
1 point off for saying widening instead of narrowing
1 point off for failing to specify the line number
c. Assuming the language used the opposite type system as the one that you answered in part
a, what would the output of the program be?
d. Ruining likes the language so much that she built her own compiler for the language, but with
some changes to the typing system. Siddarth wants to determine what typing system Ruining
chose for her updated language, so he changed line 4 above to:
y = “4”;
and found that the program still runs and produces the same output. What can we say about the
typing system for Ruining's language? Is it static or dynamic? Or is it impossible to tell? Why?
3 points for the either of following options:
Ruining's language must be dynamically typed.
Why? Because the language allows the y variable to be assigned to two
different types over time.
Ruining's language is statically typed and the string "4" undergoes
conversion into an int. (must explicitly mention conversions)
2 points off if the student doesn't explain why properly.
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