


University of South Carolina *

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Computer Science


Dec 6, 2023





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In [1]: In [2]: In [5]: In [6]: In [7]: In [8]: In [9]: In [10]: In [11]: In [12]: In [13]: In [14]: In [15]: In [16]: In [17]: In [18]: In [ ]: Problem 4 This problem tests whether you can read an abstract description of a "new" algorithm (or rather, one which most of you might not have seen before) and implement it. This problem has six (6) exercises and is worth a total of ten (10) points. The algorithm is called DBSCAN , which is short for density-based spatial clustering for applications with noise . It addresses a limitation of -means clustering, as described below. Although there are existing implementations for Python (e.g., see here ), in this notebook we are asking you to build it from scratch, albeit using a lot of sca ff olding that we have provided. Setup Here are the modules you will need for this problem. from IPython.display import display import numpy as np import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns % matplotlib inline import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Adapted from: def make_crater (inner_rad =4 , outer_rad =4.5 , donut_len =2 , inner_pts =1000 , outer_pts =500 , label = False ): # Make the inner core radius_core = inner_rad * np . random . random (inner_pts) direction_core = 2* np . pi * np . random . random (size = inner_pts) # Simulate inner core points core_x = radius_core * np . cos (direction_core) core_y = radius_core * np . sin (direction_core) crater_core = pd . DataFrame ({ 'x_1' : core_x, 'x_2' : core_y}) if label: crater_core[ 'label' ] = 0 # Make the outer ring radius_ring = outer_rad + donut_len * np . random . random(outer_pts) direction_ring = 2* np . pi * np . random . random(size = outer_pts) # Simulate ring points ring_x = radius_ring * np . cos(direction_ring) ring_y = radius_ring * np . sin(direction_ring) crater_ring = pd . DataFrame ({ 'x_1' : ring_x, 'x_2' : ring_y}) if label: crater_ring[ 'label' ] = 1 return pd . concat ([crater_core, crater_ring]) def make_scatter_plot (df, x = "x_1" , y = "x_2" , hue = "label" , palette = { 0 : "red" , 1 : "olive" , 2 : "blue" , 3 : "green" }, size =5 , centers = None ): if (hue is not None ) and (hue in df . columns): sns . lmplot (x = x, y = y, hue = hue, data = df, palette = palette, fit_reg = False ) else : sns . lmplot (x = x, y = y, data = df, fit_reg = False ) if centers is not None : cc = [palette[ 0 ], palette[ 1 ]] if len (centers) > 1 else [palette[ 0 ]] plt . scatter (centers[:, 0 ], centers[:, 1 ], marker = u'*' , s =500 , c = cc) def make_scatter_plot2 (df, x = "x_1" , y = "x_2" , hue = "label" , size =5 ): if (hue is not None ) and (hue in df . columns): sns . lmplot (x = x, y = y, hue = hue, data = df, fit_reg = False ) else : sns . lmplot (x = x, y = y, data = df, fit_reg = False ) Loading the data We will work work with a synthetic data set that is an especially bad case for -means. It's sometimes called the "crater" data because of its shape. The data points are stored in a file named crater.csv . The data files you'll need for this problem are pre-loaded in Vocareum. To load them, you'll need to wrap the filenames using the function fn(f) , defined below. If you are working locally, you can obtain a copy at the following URL and may need to modify fn(f) accordingly: def fn (fn_base, dirname = './resource/asnlib/publicdata/' ): # `dirname` set by default to the path you need in Vocareum return ' {}{} ' . format(dirname, fn_base) # Demo: fn( 'crater.csv' ) Exercise 0 (1 point). Start by reading the data into a Pandas data frame. The data is stored locally within this assignment in a file called crater.csv . Store your data frame in a variable named crater . crater = pd . read_csv(fn( 'crater.csv' ) ) display (crater . head ( 3 )) print ( "..." ) display (crater . tail ( 3 )) assert len (crater) == 1500 assert set (crater . columns) == set ([ 'x_1' , 'x_2' , 'kmeans_label' ]) with open (fn( 'crater_counts.txt' ), 'rt' ) as fp: true_counts = [ int (c) for c in fp . read () . split ( ',' )] assert sum (crater[ 'kmeans_label' ] == 0 ) == true_counts[ 0 ] assert sum (crater[ 'kmeans_label' ] == 1 ) == true_counts[ 1 ] make_scatter_plot (crater, hue = 'kmeans_label' ) print ( " \n (Passed!)" ) The testing code plots these data points, which are 2-D. The colors show the clusters computed by -means for . Notice that the "natural" structure is, arguably, a dense ball in the middle and a ring (donut) on the outside. However, -means instead split the points about an arbitrary line that cuts through the middle of the points. Indeed, this fact is one of the limitations of -means: it works well when you know the value of and the clusters come from Gaussian distributions of similar shape and size (and, therefore, density). However, if you don't know or there is non-uniform shape and density among the clusters---or some other grouping, as above---then -means does not work well (qualitatively). Elements of DBSCAN The DBSCAN algorithm takes a di ff erent approach. Rather than having to provide the number of clusters, , you define parameters related to neighborhoods and target density . Let's see how DBSCAN works by building it from the ground up. Neighborhoods The first important concept in DBSCAN is that of an -neighborhood . Consider any point . The -neighborhood of is the set of all points within a distance of from . That is, if is a collection of data points, then the -neighborhood centered at is where the measure of distance is Euclidean (i.e., the two-norm). Notice that this definition would include the point if is one of the data points. Exercise 1 (1 point). Implement a function that computes the -neighborhood of for a data matrix of points, , defined by our usual convention as In particular, complete the function named region_query(p, eps, X) below. Its inputs are: p[:d] : The query point, of dimension d . eps : The size of the ball around p to search. X[:m, :d] : The set of points, i.e., data matrix. It should return a boolean Numpy array adj[:m] with one entry per point (i.e., per row of X ). The entry adj[i] should be True only if X[i, :] lies within the eps -sized ball centered at p . Hint: There is a one-line solution of the form, return (boolean array expression) . def region_query (p, eps, X): # These lines check that the inputs `p` and `X` have # the right shape. _, dim = X . shape assert (p . shape == (dim,)) or (p . shape == ( 1 , dim)) or (p . shape == (dim, 1 )) return np . linalg . norm (p - X, axis =1 ) <= eps Here is the test code for region_query() . In addition to sanity-checking your solution, it plots the original points, a query point (marked by a red star), and highlights all points in an -neighborhood computed by your function so you can visually verify the result. (In this test, and .) X = crater[[ 'x_1' , 'x_2' ]] . values p = np . array ([ -0.5 , 1.2 ]) in_region = region_query (p, 1.0 , X) crater_ball = crater . copy () crater_ball[ 'label' ] = in_region make_scatter_plot (crater_ball, centers = p[np . newaxis]) with open (fn( 'region_query_soln.txt' ), 'rt' ) as fp: assert int (fp . read ()) == sum (in_region) print ( " \n (Passed!)" ) Exercise 2 (1 point). Suppose you are given a vector y[:] of boolean ( True and False ) values, such as the one computed above. Write a function named index_set(y) that returns the index locations of all of y 's True elements. Your function must return these index values as a Python set. def index_set (y): """ Given a boolean vector, this function returns the indices of all True elements. """ assert len (y . shape) == 1 return set (np . where (y)[ 0 ]) y_test = np . array ([ True , False , False , True , False , True , True , True , False ]) i_soln = set ([ 0 , 3 , 5 , 6 , 7 ]) i_test = index_set (y_test) assert type (i_test) is set assert len (i_test) == len (i_soln) assert i_test == i_soln print ( " \n (Passed!)" ) Exercise 3 (1 point). Given a value for and a data matrix of points, complete the function below so that it determines the neighborhood of each point. Your function, should return a Python list neighbors[:m] such that neighbors[i] is the index set of neighbors of point X[i, :] . def find_neighbors (eps, X[:m, :]): ... def find_neighbors (eps, X): m, d = X . shape neighbors = [] # Empty list to start for i in range ( len (X)): n_i = index_set (region_query (X[i, :], eps, X)) neighbors . append (n_i) assert len (neighbors) == m return neighbors with open (fn( 'find_neighbors_soln.csv' ), 'rt' ) as fp: neighbors = find_neighbors ( 0.25 , X) for i, n_i in enumerate (neighbors): j_, c_j_ = fp . readline () . split ( ',' ) assert (i == int (j_)) and ( len (n_i) == int (c_j_)) print ( " \n (Passed!)" ) Density The next important concept in DBSCAN is that of the density of a neighborhood. Intuitively, the DBSCAN algorithm will try to "grow" clusters around points whose neighborhoods are su ciently dense. Let's make this idea more precise. Definition: core points . A point is a core point if its -neighborhood has at least points. In other words, the algorithm now has two user-defined parameters: the neighborhood size, , and the minimum density, specified using a threshold on the number of points in such a neighborhood. Exercise 4 (2 points). Complete the function, find_core_points(s, neighbors) , below. It takes as input a minimum-points threshold, s , and a list of point neighborhoods, neighbors[:] , such that neighbors[i] is the (index) set of neighbors of point i . It should return a Python set, core_set , such that an index j in core_set only if the size of the neighborhood at j is at least s . def find_core_points (s, neighbors): assert type (neighbors) is list assert all ([ type (n) is set for n in neighbors]) core_set = set () for i, n_i in enumerate (neighbors): if len (n_i) >= s: core_set . add (i) return core_set core_set = find_core_points ( 5 , neighbors) print ( "Found {} core points." . format ( len (core_set))) def plot_core_set (df, core_set): df_labeled = df . copy () df_labeled[ 'label' ] = False df_labeled . loc[ list (core_set), 'label' ] = True make_scatter_plot (df_labeled) plot_core_set (crater, core_set) with open (fn( 'find_core_points_soln.txt' ), 'rt' ) as fp: core_set_soln = set ([ int (i) for i in fp . read () . split ()]) assert core_set == core_set_soln print ( " \n (Passed!)" ) Growing clusters via "reachable" points The last concept needed for DBSCAN is the idea of growing a cluster around a core point. It depends on the notion of reachability . Definition: Reachability. A point is reachable from another point if there exists a sequence of points such that every is a core point, possibly except for , and for all . This procedure works as follows. "Expand Cluster" procedure: 1. Consider any point that is not yet assigned to a cluster. 2. If is a core point, then start a new cluster for it. 3. Maintain a "reachable" set, which will be used to hold points that are reachable from as they are encountered. Initially, the reachable points are just 's -neighbors. 4. Remove any point from the reachable set. 5. If has not yet been visited, then mark it as being visited. 6. If is also a core point, then add all of its neighbors to the reachable set, per the definition of "reachability" above. 7. If is not yet assigned to any cluster, then add it to 's cluster. Notice how this procedure explores the points reachable from (Step 6). Intuitively, it is trying to join all neighborhoods whose core points are mutually contained. Here is a brief illustration of these concepts: Example: Growing clusters In this picture, suppose the minimum density parameter is points. Thus, only the -neighborhoods centered at 1, 3, and 6 are core points, since these are the only points that include at least points. For instance, , making it a core point since its neighborhood has four (4) points, whereas is not a core point since its neighborhood has just two (2) points. Exercise 5 (4 points). Implement the "cluster growth" procedure described above in the function, expand_cluster() , below. To simplify your task, we will give you all the lines of code that you need. However, you need to figure out in what order these lines must execute, as well as how to indent them! The signature of the function is: Its parameters are: p is the index of a starting core point. The caller must guarantee that it is indeed a core point, and furthermore, that it has been assigned to some cluster. (See below.) neighbors[:] is a list of -neighborhoods, given as Python sets. For instance, neighbors[p] is a set of indices of all points in the neighborhood of p . It will have been computed from find_neighbors() above. core_set is a Python set containing the indices of all core points. That is, the expression, i in core_set , is true only if i is indeed a core point. visited is another Python set containing the indices of all points that have already been visited. That is, the expression i in visited should be True only if i has been visited. Thus, your expand_cluster() function should update this set when visiting any previously unvisited point. assignment is a Python dictionary. The key is the index of a point; the value is the cluster label to which that point has been assigned. Consequently, if a point i does not yet have any cluster assignment, then the expression, i in assignment , will be False . Your expand_cluster() function should update cluster assignments by updating this dictionary. The skeleton of expand_cluster() does everything up to and including Step 4 of the procedure above. It first initializes the reachable set as a Python set, reachable , containing the neighbors of p . It then removes one of those reachable points, storing it in q . You just need to perform steps 5-7. In fact, we will even give you all of the lines of code that you need! But you have to to incorporate them into the skeleton, ordered and indented correctly. def expand_cluster (p, neighbors, core_set, visited, assignment): ... assignment[q] = assignment[p] if q in core_set: if q not in assignment: if q not in visited: reachable |= neighbors[q] visited . add (q) def expand_cluster (p, neighbors, core_set, visited, assignment): # Assume the caller performs Steps 1 and 2 of the procedure. # That means 'p' must be a core point that is part of a cluster. assert (p in core_set) and (p in visited) and (p in assignment) reachable = set (neighbors[p]) # Step 3 while reachable: q = reachable . pop () # Step 4 # Put your reordered and correctly indented statements here: if q not in visited: visited . add (q) # Mark q as visited if q in core_set: reachable |= neighbors[q] if q not in assignment: assignment[q] = assignment[p] # This procedure does not return anything # except via updates to `visited` and # `assignment`. # This test is based on the illustration above. p_test = 3 neighbors_test = [ set ([ 0 , 1 ]), set ([ 0 , 1 , 3 , 7 ]), set ([ 2 , 3 ]), set ([ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 ]), set ([ 3 , 4 ]), set ([ 5 ]), set ([ 3 , 6 , 7 ]), set ([ 1 , 7 ]) ] core_set_test = set ([ 1 , 3 , 6 ]) visited_test = set ([p_test]) assignment_test = {p_test: 0 } expand_cluster (p_test, neighbors_test, core_set_test, visited_test, assignment_test) assert visited_test == set ([ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 7 ]) # All but 5 assert set (assignment_test . keys ()) == visited_test assert set (assignment_test . values ()) == set ([ 0 ]) print ( " \n (Passed!)" ) Putting it all together If you've successfully completed all steps above, then you have everything you need to run the final DBSCAN algorithm, which we've provided below. The second code cell below shows a picture of the clusters discovered for a particular setting of neighborhood size, , and density threshold, . And there is no additional code for you to write below ! However, you should make sure the remaining cells execute without error. def dbscan (eps, s, X): clusters = [] point_to_cluster = {} neighbors = find_neighbors (eps, X) core_set = find_core_points (s, neighbors) assignment = {} next_cluster_id = 0 visited = set () for i in core_set: # for each core point i if i not in visited: visited . add (i) # Mark i as visited assignment[i] = next_cluster_id expand_cluster (i, neighbors, core_set, visited, assignment) next_cluster_id += 1 return assignment, core_set assignment, core_set = dbscan ( 0.5 , 10 , X) print ( "Number of core points:" , len (core_set)) print ( "Number of clusters:" , max (assignment . values ())) print ( "Number of unclassified points:" , len (X) - len (assignment)) def plot_labels (df, labels): df_labeled = df . copy () df_labeled[ 'label' ] = labels make_scatter_plot2 (df_labeled) labels = [ -1 ] * len (X) for i, c in assignment . items (): labels[i] = c plot_labels (crater, labels) with open (fn( 'dbscan_soln.csv' ), 'rt' ) as fp: num_cores, num_clusters, num_outliers = fp . read () . split ( ',' ) assert int (num_cores) == len (core_set) assert int (num_clusters) == max (assignment . values ()) assert int (num_outliers) == ( len (X) - len (assignment)) print ( " \n (Passed!)" ) Fin! If you've reached this point and all tests above pass, you are ready to submit your solution to this problem. Don't forget to save you work prior to submitting. k k k k = 2 k k k k k k k ϵ p ε p ε p { , , … , } x ̂ 0 x ̂ 1 x ̂ m 1 m ε p ( p ) = { : p ε }, N ε x ̂ i x ̂ i 2 p p ϵ p X X = . x ̂ T 0 x ̂ T 1 x ̂ T m 1 ε p = ( 0.5, 1.2) ε = 1.0 ε X p ϵ s ϵ s q p p = , , … , = q p 1 p 2 p k p i = q p k ( ) p i N ε p i 1 1 < i < k p p p p ε q q q q p p s = 3 ε s = 3 (1) = {0, 1, 3, 7} N ε (4) = {3, 4} N ε ε ε s Matplotlib is building the font cache; this may take a moment. Out[2]: './resource/asnlib/publicdata/crater.csv' x_1 x_2 kmeans_label 0 -1.719159 -2.500154 1 1 -3.002477 -4.801853 1 2 0.469441 1.591334 0 ... x_1 x_2 kmeans_label 1497 0.278229 0.162659 1 1498 -0.939762 3.127528 0 1499 -1.506346 5.179035 0 (Passed!) (Passed!) (Passed!) (Passed!) Found 623 core points. (Passed!) (Passed!) Number of core points: 904 Number of clusters: 12 Number of unclassified points: 394 (Passed!)
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